Nouveau Linux 4.8 + Mesa 12.1-dev vs. NVIDIA OpenGL Performance
Originally posted by cruelj View PostCould somebody please explain to me, how people still have money/time/motivation to work on nouveau, while NVIDIA obviously doesn't wan't an opensource driver.
Originally posted by andre30correia View Postfor desktop if people wants to use opensource driver amd is the only alternative for gaming, no point in spending so much money and use opensource nvidia driver, the lack of dynamic clock is big problem for performance and lifetime of a card who always use the maximum freqs. For AMD is about time to give up from non free driver and put all resources in opensource driver like intel (one driver), when they reach the parity of features, opengl 4.5 vulkan vdpau/vaapi and enduro
Originally posted by pal666 View Posti have better question: how people still have money/time/motivation to sponsor most linux-hostile hardware manufacturer
You call that "linux-hostile", I call that excellent linux support.
Originally posted by Temar View Post
We sponsor that manufacturer because it is the only one who can provide a full-featured driver, giving you access to the full performance of the hardware you bought. Nvidia just works, we don't have time to play with our operating system, we want to get things done.
You call that "linux-hostile", I call that excellent linux support.
*pun intended
"We sponsor that manufacturer because it is the only one who can provide a full-featured driver"
Too easy. Non-proprietary (if you know what that means) drivers are wiser, undebatably.
"giving you access to the full performance of the hardware you bought"
Community-created and *almost* full performance is still much more powerful, since the people now _know_ how the drivers work.
"Nvidia just works, we don't have time to play with our operating system, we want to get things done"
"You call that "linux-hostile", I call that excellent linux support."
Have a good day.