NVIDIA Releases "The World's Most Advanced VR Game", Will Be Open-Sourced

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  • unixfan2001
    If only pharmaceutical companies would open source their products, so people like qarium can get the help they desperately need...

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  • abu_shawarib
    For me it's just a vr code sample that uses Nvidia "Fluid works" and "physix" or what ever. It's just demo of company tech for vr. They make such demos all the time on their devs website.

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  • computerquip
    Originally posted by Qaridarium

    i think you do not understand why 100% pure "evil" Monopole companys like microsoft and nvidia go for "opensource" or even "copyleft" projects.

    but i can explain it to you: even these evil corporations(corporatism) do have a "Master" they need to obey. and this Master is the NWO/One-world-government(statism) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statism

    So and this "Master" decided that there is a need for opensource because of education of future generations and because of this their puppets (Corporations) need to follow this order. It is about agenda 2030 and similar stuff: "the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld

    because of this all these evil-"Microsoft"-stylish companies try to fool us with all the Opensource stuff they pushing hard.

    sure it is not about making business. from a business point of view opensource or even copyleft makes no sense at all. but these companies are also tools for political acting and they are used to make politics so they have a Agenda (Agenda 2030) ...

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  • artivision
    Originally posted by haagch View Post
    It's made with unreal engine 4, so it doesn't need to do it on its own.

    Asynchronous Timewarp is a highly proprietary functionality exclusively found in the windows drivers from AMD and NVidia. Unless you are a HMD manufacturer/vendor and sign an NDA, you can't even get documentation about its interfaces.

    See the readme of OSVR Rendermanager: https://github.com/sensics/OSVR-RenderManager

    This right here is an open source project that cared enough about support asynchronous timewarp that they made proprietary NDA'ed windows-only extensions to their software project that is literally called "Open Source Virtual Reality".
    You didn't get the joke. Nvidia cannot accelerate "asynchronous compute". So if a game is made with ATW in mind, you can tell.

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  • haagch
    Originally posted by Qaridarium
    opensource projects like these have no real inner life and no ambitions like supporting Asynchronous time warp,,,
    It's made with unreal engine 4, so it doesn't need to do it on its own.

    Asynchronous Timewarp is a highly proprietary functionality exclusively found in the windows drivers from AMD and NVidia. Unless you are a HMD manufacturer/vendor and sign an NDA, you can't even get documentation about its interfaces.

    See the readme of OSVR Rendermanager: https://github.com/sensics/OSVR-RenderManager

    This right here is an open source project that cared enough about support asynchronous timewarp that they made proprietary NDA'ed windows-only extensions to their software project that is literally called "Open Source Virtual Reality".

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  • SaucyJack
    LOL of course they would.
    'Hey devs! All you have to do is use our template and everything is easy! Since our hardware is atrocious at asynchronous anything our code will never show you how to properly make a VR game, but one that works best on Nvidia hardware!' -Nvidia

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  • artivision
    Let me guess, it doesn't support Asynchronous Time Warp

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  • starshipeleven
    Crapworks bait detected. WARNING, please avoid. It's good to avoid even for NVIDIA games.

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  • kaprikawn
    What rendering API does it use?

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  • tmpdir
    Understanding open source / gpl and running a business are two completly different things, they seem to understand just fine. Freedom of choice and such...

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