Bickering Continues About NVIDIA Using DMA-BUF

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  • Pallidus
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2012
    • 541

    What I see here is many people with the agenda of corrupting the very nature of linux.

    To me steam has no place in the linux ecosystem, it is the antithesis of everything linux stands for.

    Nvidia being able to 'infect' the kernel seems like another attack.

    Canonical now developing stuff in 'secret' because of the flack they received from the amazon deal.

    What I don't understand is why the owner of phoronix, phoronix members etc stand by corporations like valve and nvidia and want to see linux corrupted.

    If your point is turning linux into another windows or os X why not go to those systems instead??


    • johnc
      Official Fanboy
      • May 2011
      • 2276

      Corrupted by reality you mean?

      Linux relevance has always depended on proprietary software, and in most cases, proprietary drivers as well.


      • yogi_berra
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2008
        • 936

        Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
        Steam is AIDS and I won't be touching it.

        owner of phoronix READ THIS:

        what phoronix needs is one of those little pinguin / win7/ OS x icons like the fedora forums or ubuntu etc...

        that way you know what system people are running when you reply to them.

        that way you avoid wasting time replying to people like sonadow that are clearly 1.homosexual 2. running windows.
        Shouldn't you be lurking in /r/gayporn?


        • blackiwid
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2008
          • 2060

          Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
          If your point is turning linux into another windows or os X why not go to those systems instead??
          if you take that to the max debian is a evil distribution... just saying... and even if you take a really free distribution, as long as you use a proprietary bios you go to hell, too ^^

          I agree that in long term we have to fix such stuff, too. and we have to get stricter if it goes easier... the alternative is to not use cell-phones even with android or other linux-based oses.

          I think its a point of attitude, do I at least want a free system, and do at least slowly remove the last dependencies or replace it with own programms or something like that.

          And there I see the problem that ubuntu goes the wrong way, because of that even I hate rpm (please dont talk about it here again ^^) I try to switch to fedora, or maybe I go back to gentoo or something... dont run for it but I at least moved and tried it on my notebook and played around with it a bit... but I dont yet bitch about steam.

          I will not install it here, but on the other hand I have windows pc here (which I start only to play ^^ so like a gaming console) so ok I seperated it cleanly (and save power because I use mostly my 20w linux pc ^^). So in a very bad world you have to make compromises or its at least a real pain in the ass if you dont. On the other hand if the game developers dont get better games out soon, I think I dont need a windows-gaming pc anymore ^^ because it kind of sucks.

          I just say I dont will use it, I dont recommend it to people to use steam on linux, I just say, if some people use linux and gaming was what they did stop them, to try it, and understand maybe also the ideas behind... it could be ok.... maybe I will install someday on a seperate linux only for gaming on my gaming-pc a linux instead of the windows. So here at least some evilness would be gone, too.

          And even Richard Stallman is a bit swinging around if he thinks if its good or not, so he does not categorical think its a bad thing purely.


          • Pallidus
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2012
            • 541

            Had I the choice of having a free BIOS, I would have a open source BIOS instead... but you see, I was not given that choice for all the motherboards I can think of.. actually I don't even think I saw ANY motherboard with a open bios.

            So it's not a matter of choice when it comes to the BIOS.

            But I can tell you that apart from the BIOS my favorite laptop is 100% open source software, since it is a centrino platform everything operates 100% out of the box.

            I give you this example, if the linux community got behind the new samsung chromebook and acquire it en masse.. and then demanded samsung to make it fully open source (some stuff already is), it would prove to be a great victory for linux.

            I now see that steam and nvidia and canonical have the power to kill what linux stands for.

            In one swift move canonical can release ubuntu 13.04 with a bunch of 'secret features' and valve will make steam ubuntu only. Then people will flock to ubuntu to play steam games and of course download the best drivers in order to be able to play their games 100% (those would be nvidia's blob as amd sucks).

            And there you go, from a fully open source system now you have a system with 'secret features' dialing home to amazon and God knows who else, with corporate drivers playing corporate software.

            The death of linux as a bastion for freedom has begun.


            • blackiwid
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2008
              • 2060

              Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
              Had I the choice of having a free BIOS, I would have a open source BIOS instead...
              there are systems that are patchable with coreboot. the asrock version of zacate board e350 one as example. Then you think that the today linuxkernel or ubuntu or stuff is free software purely thats not true.

              you see not only ubuntu is not in there but also not debian or fedora. for me thats the distributions thats fit my freedomness-feeling, so to make small compromisses but at least have a clear goal to go the right way. So that I mean in this world if you go completly consequent you end in a hole in the earth and have no pc or other stuff and eat like some nuts and berries from the forest or something. you have to make compromisses but I think its more important to make way less compromisses like most others do, who dont care about freedom and other stuff at all... when they come closer to your views you can go a step further maybe because it gets easier and the gap becomes smaller.


              • RussianNeuroMancer
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 1452

                Originally posted by blackiwid View Post
                there are systems that are patchable with coreboot. the asrock version of zacate board e350 one as example.
                Ethernet still broken:


                • Rigaldo
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2012
                  • 246

                  Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
                  Had I the choice of having a free BIOS, I would have a open source BIOS instead... but you see, I was not given that choice for all the motherboards I can think of.. actually I don't even think I saw ANY motherboard with a open bios.

                  So it's not a matter of choice when it comes to the BIOS.

                  But I can tell you that apart from the BIOS my favorite laptop is 100% open source software, since it is a centrino platform everything operates 100% out of the box.

                  I give you this example, if the linux community got behind the new samsung chromebook and acquire it en masse.. and then demanded samsung to make it fully open source (some stuff already is), it would prove to be a great victory for linux.

                  I now see that steam and nvidia and canonical have the power to kill what linux stands for.

                  In one swift move canonical can release ubuntu 13.04 with a bunch of 'secret features' and valve will make steam ubuntu only. Then people will flock to ubuntu to play steam games and of course download the best drivers in order to be able to play their games 100% (those would be nvidia's blob as amd sucks).

                  And there you go, from a fully open source system now you have a system with 'secret features' dialing home to amazon and God knows who else, with corporate drivers playing corporate software.

                  The death of linux as a bastion for freedom has begun.
                  I don't recall Linux even being "a bastion for freedom" or anything. That was (is) GNU. We should not get things confused.
                  Secret features on Ubuntu 13.04 were not going to be shown before launch, nothing about closed source I can remember. Steam will start specifically for Ubuntu 12.04 for testing, and then will probably move to the other distributions( Source : Valve ).
                  Maybe we should give up games entirely, since they might perform better with the by the blobs ...
                  And depending on what you mean be corrupted, Linux is probably long "corrupted" ....

                  Btw .. People will "flock to Ubuntu". From where? Windows and OS X? Wouldn't that be better? They will have a system with many more free parts and the opportunity to discover other "more free" systems.
                  If they already use another Linux distro and even more have a "free" system, there's not much reason they will ..

                  As for the sacrifices mentioned before, let's all installed opensource coreboot instead of closed source BIOS. At worse you'll brick your pc or have not internet. But it's a necessary sacrifice .... Waiting for you to start..!


                  • Sonadow
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 2281

                    Originally posted by Pallidus View Post

                    But I can tell you that apart from the BIOS my favorite laptop is 100% open source software, since it is a centrino platform everything operates 100% out of the box.

                    The death of linux as a bastion for freedom has begun.
                    Rubbish. The Intel wifi card in your precious notebook relies on proprietary firmware blobs in the kernel to function. Blobs which Intel has allowed the Linux kernel to redistribute with no cost on the condition that they may not be mocified.

                    Fully free my foot. Go compile a libre kernel fork or install Ututo / gNewSense / blag and see just how much of the hardware will fail to function. I have personally tested a libre kernel before and the Intel wifi cards will not function at all since all references to the firmware are removed at the source level.

                    And Linus never ever intended for Linux to be 'free software'; it's only 'free' because he liked GPL v2. The LMKL is very clear on his stand about 'free software'.
                    Last edited by Sonadow; 24 October 2012, 10:03 AM.


                    • blackiwid
                      Senior Member
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 2060

                      building modern hardware cant be done in your garage with 1-2 guys soldering around some metal or something like that. So it has to be bigger movements, it has not to be mainstream but you have to wait to opportunities to get things forward. An easier way but still painfull instead of using your hardware without ethernet ^^ would be to buy such loongson hardware. Its possible now, if you have a few hundret bucks extra and be fine with having lesser speed, buy such stuff.

                      I wait till they remake their shit in 32nm or so and then I will buy it propably. At least if its not 3x so expensive than something pc-ish.

                      If I would be rich or have a good payed job maybe even 3x would be ok. but you can go free if you have good money on your site and be fanatic... like rms shows. I am not jelous, and he is maybe not really rich or so, but there are other freedom problems in our world, as example we have and especialy in america thats a big prblem because your social-systems are at least on some points really crap. we have unemployment, we have it since several decades and it grows and grows and grows.

                      yes is goes up and down a bit if you watch shorter time-spans but in general it grows and grows... so thats normaly great, 99% unemployment would be excelent, because this payed-jobs-unemploymency is really awsome... but we couple without any need income of people to that. So I am one of this unpaid, I work I do release my work but nobody pays for that, so... this retarded system which automaticly pushes all money to the rich people which do not work if they dont work, they dont have to work to get richer and richer, and others do work but get poorer and poorer.

                      I will not a equaly money system for all... but at least the money for survival and a small morgage have to be free, so that people are able to work at least if you cant think of another live goal to do payed work. that often is also destructive work that hurts people. So again from this point also someone can say I work at Microsoft, and in reallity maybe the only alternative is to get unemployed and die in hunger or at least freeze to death on the street. So yes software-freedom is important but you have to think it as one aspect and if you try to get really free, you ask different questions.

