AMDGPU-PRO 17.30 Linux Driver Now Available For Download

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  • kanyck
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 17

    I am on Gentoo so I can actually move in any direction that can lead me to working opencl again: custom kernel, dksm or hybrid stack, whatever. Last time I tried opencl from 17.30.465504 packaged separately for Gentoo to be used with mainline kernel driver. From the fact Gentoo packaged it, I may conclude such a hybrid works for somebody (otherwise they wouldn't package it), but not for me this far.

    However FYI: it is reported that amdgpu-pro 17.30 doesn't work on Cape Verde on Ubuntu 16.04, too. From darktable bug tracker:
    I get the same error with my Radeon R7 250 (GCN 1.0) on a clean install of Ubuntu GNOME 16.04.3, and the newest AMDGPU-PRO driver (17.30). Darktable's OpenCL works fine with this card on Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 with the discontinued fglrx driver.
    The same error is reported that I get on my hybrid (mainline 4.12 amdgpu + opencl from amdgpu-pro 17.30):
    [opencl_init] could not create command queue for device 0: -6
    Here's some explanation I got from darktable devs:
    Error code -6 relates to CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY. And that's what the docs tell us about this error during command queue creation:

    CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
    (Quoted from here ).

    That makes me think that the bug is effective on both closed and hybrid stacks on Cape Verde (say hi to AMD's QA). However all my previous attempts resulted in userspace segfaults and last time both clinfo and darktable see opencl but the apps still can't create a commmand queue so it's maybe a progress.
    I opened bugs at Gentoo bugzilla on dev-libs/amdgpu-pro-opencl package and at kernel bugzilla on amdgpu with no useful feedback so far... It would be so kind of you if you suggest how to make this goddamned thing eventually work again in full...

    My current configuration is:
    kernel 4.12.0-pf7 (tried few 4.11 and 4.12 kernels)
    llvm/clang 4.0.1
    Last edited by kanyck; 28 August 2017, 01:21 PM.


    • kanyck
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2017
      • 17

      Marc Driftmeyer Nice to meet you here... I'm still missing that almost-empty black cubes... was an epoch for me... And yes, they did work...
      (Sorry for off-topic).


      • kanyck
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2017
        • 17

        Well, you've disappeared again...
        There's one thing that amazes me much in this connection. When it comes to FOSS, there's fully different situation. When I open a bug on open radeon driver, I normally get some feedback in within few hours to few days, even on Saturday)). With a touch of proprietary piece of software I've opened bugs @ and a couple of weeks ago (or even more for now) and get no reply at all -- both were ignored completely. The same here -- bridgman tries to save face and get into some communication but practically nothing's been happening for months... When you guys eventually open this opencl part so at least some support is available?


        • haagch
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2014
          • 961

          They probably won't open source the exact amdgpu-pro opencl blob anytime soon. I'm guessing they're working on getting all that amdkfd stuff upstreamed and will then announce the ROCm opencl as the official open source implemention.

          It's already fully open source, but you do need the hybrid kernel driver for it at the moment.


          • kanyck
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2017
            • 17

            Originally posted by haagch View Post
            It's already fully open source, but you do need the hybrid kernel driver for it at the moment.
            Could you please give some more details about it?
            AFAIK the ROCm implementation doesn't cover Southern Island at the moment, am I wrong? Actually I don't care much about how exactly it is implemented as soon as it works. Yes, the FOSS implementation is preferable but I can live with any hybrid as a temporary solution. Now the only solution I can see is to downgrade the system to the state it could accept fglrx again -- that means changing the distro and dumping fine-tuned system -- or keep living without the opencl...


            • bridgman
              AMD Linux
              • Oct 2007
              • 13187

              Originally posted by kanyck View Post
              bridgmanWell, you've disappeared again...
              Yeah, sort of... posting here is something I do in my free time, and I haven't had any free time lately. We're bringing a few new chips up on the emulator (trying to get complete drivers finished before silicon back this time) and that's been a 24/7 job recently.

              That said, I did miss your previous post, sorry about that.

              Originally posted by kanyck View Post
              bridgmanThe same here -- bridgman tries to save face and get into some communication but practically nothing's been happening for months... When you guys eventually open this opencl part so at least some support is available?
              OpenCL on Cape Verde has gone through QA a few times AFAIK and is supposed to be working.

              There were a few 17.30 releases and only the last one worked with 16.04.3... we had been planning to keep it focused on 16.04.2 but apparently the Canonical servers started forcing everyone to 16.04.3 (even my development box at the office ) so we had to spin one more time. I'll ping the reporter on the darktable forums and make sure they had the right version.
              Last edited by bridgman; 08 September 2017, 12:25 PM.
              Test signature


              • kanyck
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2017
                • 17

                Originally posted by bridgman View Post
                OpenCL on Cape Verde has gone through QA a few times AFAIK and is supposed to be working.
                Thanks for your answer, but you just can't imagine how sorry I am to say it's not... At least, not for me.
                Please provide me with working version set that have passed your QA on Cape Verde and I'll try to repeat the trick at home. You've mine that doesn't work.
                Meanwhile I'll check if I have the latest 17.30.


                • kanyck
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2017
                  • 17

                  You seem to miss my posts again...
                  Please do ask your colleagues what exact versions of sw have passed opencl QA on Cape Verde. Pleaaase...
                  Last edited by kanyck; 20 September 2017, 05:37 AM.


                  • kanyck
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2017
                    • 17

                    I was suggested that setting the env variable
                    makes the opencl accessible. Actually it does, but I tried few programs -- all make use of opencl but produce artifacts. Still not a word from AMD. Thank you guys, you're very responsive...


                    • bridgman
                      AMD Linux
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 13187

                      kanyck, if you want "official support" can you please post on the AMD developer forums under OpenCL? This is not the the support forum, just a place where a couple of us answer general questions in our spare time... and our spare time has been pretty much non-existent recently. Thanks.
                      Test signature

