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Radeon Vulkan Driver Added To Mesa, Fresh Radeon Vulkan vs. OpenGL Benchmarks + AMDGPU-PRO

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  • Marc Driftmeyer
    Originally posted by Marc Driftmeyer View Post

    I'll give that a shot
    Considering that adding the PPA now sandbags CodeXL from AMD I think we have a much longer way to go so I'll have to twiddle my thumbs w/o PPA and work with a gimp'd card for now.

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  • Marc Driftmeyer
    Originally posted by bridgman View Post
    Another option would be to run the -PRO OpenCL runtime with the open source stack. A number of people seem to be doing this today - let me know if you have trouble finding info and I'll try to dig some up.
    I'll give that a shot

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  • Marc Driftmeyer
    Originally posted by debianxfce View Post

    You can use the Padoka and Oibaf ppas in Debiab testing, uhbuntu xenial is based on that.

    Gallium Nine uses faster api than OpenGL for Dx9:

    PPAs with Debian, use case B:

    Padoka PPA:

     _,met$$$$$gg. xfce@kaveri
    ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian testing stretch
    ,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.7.0-g1042343-dirty
    ,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 2h 45m
    ',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 2183
    `d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: bash 4.4.0
    $$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 1920x1200
    $$: $$. - ,d$$' DE: XFCE
    $$\; Y$b._ _,d$P' WM: Xfwm4
    Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' WM Theme: Default
    `$$b "-.__ GTK Theme: Xfce [GTK2]
    `Y$$ Icon Theme: Tango
    `Y$$. Font: Sans 10
    `$$b. CPU: AMD A8-7600 Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G @ 3.092GHz
    `Y$$b. GPU: Gallium 0.4 on AMD KAVERI (DRM 3.3.0 / 4.7.0-g1042343-dirty, LLVM 4.0.0)
    `"Y$b._ RAM: 836MiB / 6937MiB

    everything works, except Blender. It crashes with the following:

    # Blender 2.78 (sub 0), Commit date: 2016-09-26 12:42, Hash 4bb1e22
    # backtrace
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(BLI_system_backtrace+0x1d) [0x1b6269d]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x11bc81e]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fca190b3040]
    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc9fca3d705]
    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc9e3bceb5b]
    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc9e3bced98]
    /lib64/ [0x7fca1ad6f5da]
    /lib64/ [0x7fca1ad6f6eb]
    /lib64/ [0x7fca1ad73c68]
    /lib64/ [0x7fca1ad6f484]
    /lib64/ [0x7fca1ad73419]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fca19420ee9]
    /lib64/ [0x7fca1ad6f484]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fca19421521]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fca19420f82]
    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc9ef88c212]
    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc9ef88c360]
    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc9ef88c97a]
    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc9ef88d163]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x20fd2b4]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(_ZN3ccl18device_opencl_infoERNS_6vectorINS_10DeviceInfoENS_16GuardedAllocatorIS1_EEEE+0x39) [0x20ffdb9]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(_ZN3ccl6Device17available_devicesEv+0x99) [0x20e8549]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x1ff6985]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x1ade8b8]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(RNA_property_enum_items_ex+0xf9) [0x19c7619]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(RNA_property_enum_items+0x15) [0x19c7645]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(RNA_property_enum_identifier+0x26) [0x19c7bc6]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x15a9cdb]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(pyrna_prop_to_py+0x100) [0x15b1d40]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x15b2090]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(PyEval_EvalFrameEx+0x31f8) [0x2be0238]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(PyEval_EvalFrameEx+0x7cb1) [0x2be4cf1]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x2be67d2]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(PyEval_EvalCodeEx+0x48) [0x2be68d8]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x2b5319f]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(PyObject_Call+0x5a) [0x2b29d5a]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x15b13aa]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x1ac9a3c]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(ED_region_panels+0x27f) [0x1496a0f]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x11e9088]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(ED_region_do_draw+0xa16) [0x1495be6]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x11c0a64]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(wm_draw_update+0x592) [0x11c1b92]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(WM_main+0x28) [0x11bd438]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender(main+0x3b3) [0x11620c3]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fca190a02b1]
    /usr/lib/blender/blender() [0x11b96c9]

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  • Marc Driftmeyer
    Originally posted by marc driftmeyer View Post
    thanks you two. I sure hope we see some progress with the stack once 4.9 is sanctioned and amd is a bit more solvent to extend more resources on it. I really want to have the opencl for blender and much more to process heavy scenes. I won't even touch cfa/fea until that happens.
    cfa- > cfd.

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  • Marc Driftmeyer
    Thanks you two. I sure hope we see some progress with the stack once 4.9 is sanctioned and AMD is a bit more solvent to extend more resources on it. I really want to have the OpenCL for Blender and much more to process heavy scenes. I won't even touch CFA/FEA until that happens.

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  • dungeon
    Originally posted by Marc Driftmeyer View Post
    They dropped Catalyst for post Jessie and everything in the Ubuntu debs works, but the one that really matters: DKMS. I'll have to dig into what's causing it.
    It is that kernel compatability again, probably work best if you match Ubuntu or SteamOS kernels... so 4.1 or 4.4, both are latest longterm kernels on

    Actually steamos amdgpu-pro seems just for gaming, it does not have opencl... probably best try is if you use 4.4 kernel with official amdgpu-pro i guess

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  • bridgman
    Another option would be to run the -PRO OpenCL runtime with the open source stack. A number of people seem to be doing this today - let me know if you have trouble finding info and I'll try to dig some up.

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  • Marc Driftmeyer
    Originally posted by dungeon View Post

    I guess there is plenty of time until Debian 9 will became stable... so, spring next year maybe i guess AMD will improve that new KCL due to that time
    They dropped Catalyst for post Jessie and everything in the Ubuntu debs works, but the one that really matters: DKMS. I'll have to dig into what's causing it.

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  • dungeon
    Originally posted by Marc Driftmeyer View Post
    Does anyone have an ETA on when this driver stack is released for Debian so I can actually utilize my RX 480 and not with the asinine Gallium driver currently at 0.4 that is useless with Blender or any other OpenCL work?
    I guess there is plenty of time until Debian 9 will became stable... so, spring next year maybe i guess AMD will improve that new KCL due to that time

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  • Marc Driftmeyer
    Does anyone have an ETA on when this driver stack is released for Debian so I can actually utilize my RX 480 and not with the asinine Gallium driver currently at 0.4 that is useless with Blender or any other OpenCL work?

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