Saphire Radeon x1600Pro AGP 8x 512MB DDR2
* Motherboard/chipset model: Asrock K7NF2 / NFORCE2
* Processor type : SocketA AMD Athlon 2600+
* Ammount of memmory: 1.5GB DDR400
* Distro used: Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10
* Kernel version: 2.6.22-14
* Xorg version: 1.3.0
* fglrx version: 8.43.2 - newer just give a black screen and require hard reset
* Motherboard/chipset model: Asrock K7NF2 / NFORCE2
* Processor type : SocketA AMD Athlon 2600+
* Ammount of memmory: 1.5GB DDR400
* Distro used: Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10
* Kernel version: 2.6.22-14
* Xorg version: 1.3.0
* fglrx version: 8.43.2 - newer just give a black screen and require hard reset