AMD Is Hiring Two More Open-Source Linux GPU Driver Developers

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  • chithanh
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 2492

    If you dropped out of school with no school degree at all, you will first have to pass the "Mittlere Reife" exam which will give you the equivalent of a basic school degree (you can prepare yourself or take preparation classes as you wish).

    With that school degree, you can now apply at a Kolleg or Abendgymnasium. To graduate from there will take two to five years, depending on your available time and desired graduation certificate. A subject-specific certificate is faster to achieve, while a generic one (which allows you to study any subject) takes longer.


    • duby229
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2007
      • 7779

      Originally posted by chithanh View Post
      If you dropped out of school with no school degree at all, you will first have to pass the "Mittlere Reife" exam which will give you the equivalent of a basic school degree (you can prepare yourself or take preparation classes as you wish).

      With that school degree, you can now apply at a Kolleg or Abendgymnasium. To graduate from there will take two to five years, depending on your available time and desired graduation certificate. A subject-specific certificate is faster to achieve, while a generic one (which allows you to study any subject) takes longer.
      "Mittlere Reife" is probably something along the lines of what a GED is. Thanks for taking the time to explain. I don't understand it, but it sounds like it is possible for people to get the degree they want as long as they are willing to follow up with their responsibilities.


      • profoundWHALE
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2013
        • 1199

        Originally posted by haagch View Post
        Fair enough, but many have already got experience with Mantle and supposedly it's relatively similar.
        It's also reasonable to assume AAA engine developers are already working with the vulkan specification. Like Valve for example.
        You don't have to assume. We already know that EA/DICE, Unity3D, Unreal, Valve, Blizzard, and more are already working with the Vulkan spec because they're helping make it.

        Deploying and developing royalty-free open standards for 3D graphics, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Parallel Computing, Neural Networks, and Vision Processing

        Deploying and developing royalty-free open standards for 3D graphics, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Parallel Computing, Neural Networks, and Vision Processing


        • justmy2cents
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2013
          • 1067

          Originally posted by chithanh View Post
          It's not that easy, game developers will still have to do some work to adapt their games. AMD themselves chose HLSL for Mantle in order to facilitate faster porting of DX11 games. Khronos replaced HLSL with SPIR-V for obvious portability reasons.

          But three years is way too much to be a reasonable estimate, as was pointed out in the other thread about Vulkan (when it was still called OpenGL next):
          actually, this doesn't sound right. you can't replace source language with IL (you kind of compare apples and oranges here). HLSL is source language which is then precompiled into its own IL for portability reasons and then finally compiled and optimized in driver.

          SPIR-V it self is IL which is executed (compiled+optimized) within driver and all you need is HLSL>SPIR-V in order for HLSL support


          • profoundWHALE
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2013
            • 1199

            Originally posted by chithanh View Post
            If you dropped out of school with no school degree at all, you will first have to pass the "Mittlere Reife" exam which will give you the equivalent of a basic school degree (you can prepare yourself or take preparation classes as you wish).
            I'm assuming this is a GED equivalent, correct?


            • chithanh
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2008
              • 2492

              Originally posted by Qaridarium
              also you are wrong on this ""fachgebundene Studienberechtigung" after working in a field for a certain time"
              you need a professional training IHK degree
              No, I am right. What you say does not contradict what I wrote. Which fields and professions qualify for a "fachgebundene Studienberechtigung" is determined by the respective trade or professional associations. But once you worked for a long enough time there you are qualified.
              Originally posted by Qaridarium
              why not? because you need to do the Schulfremdenpr?fung-Hauptschule, it is a basic-low-level school degree, first

              after that you need to perform a schulfremdenpr?fung-Realschule
              it is a middle-level school degree and then
              This is not entirely correct. In many federal states (e.g. Berlin), you can directly go to the "Nichtsch?lerpr?fung zum Erwerb des mittleren Schulabschlusses" exam and walk out of it with your middle-level school degree.


              • smitty3268
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2008
                • 6954

                Originally posted by imirkin View Post
                Perhaps reconsider your position then -- gs5 and fp64 are part of GL4, and viewports are GL4.1. If you care about GL4, you care about those extensions, otherwise no GL4. See
                Yes, i understand that. But my point is this:

                How many applications are out there that open a GL3 context and then use the fp64 extension manually? Are there any? Maybe, but if so there definitely aren't a lot, which is why I consider it more of a checkbox feature towards full GL4 compliance rather than something great on it's own.


                • marek
                  X.Org Developer
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 1002

                  Unigine Heaven uses the tessellation extension without full GL4.
                  Last edited by marek; 28 March 2015, 08:52 PM.


                  • Kano
                    Kanotix Developer
                    • Aug 2007
                    • 7924

                    The first version of Heaven could even use Tesselation with DX10 cards and fglrx via the AMD only Tesselation option.

