@Qaridarium and Xavier
You DO know that games are proprietary closed source software, right? If you are sick of closed source and only use open source software, why buy uber-cards at all? I mean, what free, open source games are there that need anything more powerful than am integrated intel 950 crap?
You are a bunch of hypocrites. You are sick of closed source, but you buy expensive video hardware, and bitch about its open source/closed source drivers... to play closed source games. Or games don't count as as software?
Are you too cheap to buy the shittiest, cheapest windows license and use it only as a "console os" or are you too scared to download a pirated windows from torrents?
Up until a few years ago, when we attended some crap M$ development seminars and go a free XP version that I still use, I used XP downloaded from torrents. Why? Because I only boot in it 2 hours per weekned at most to play a few games. It has nothing except drivers and the games themselves and it is utterly useless at anything else. I've been using linux for more than 10 years now and, except a handful of online games that i play from time to time there is NOTHING that I can't do on it.
Taking this religious crusade against closed source software is stupid, as you just stated you play closed source games. Maybe you need to re-examine you dogmas and your own morality.
"on 1 pc i use ubuntu 9.10 the stable fglrx do not support this the opensource one works!"
What pc? What configuration? What video card? What motherboard? WHat everything?
I have 4 machines at home: two with integrated radeon 3200, one with a 3870 and one with a 4850 and had one at work with a radeon 4830 and ALL WORK FINE with fglrx.
Maybe you have shitty components, you bought a hua-ximg-me cheapo radeon, soldered together on a boat in the indian ocean, maybe your PSU is crap and it feeds currents with too much jitter to the video card.
I know what to choose that it works on linux, and it is made by a known vendor, with quality components. I always test my components after I buy them. I always search and read forums and articles for compatibility issues on linux for various components.
Wake up people! In order to use linux you need hardware. And most PC hardware manufacturers don't give a flying fuck about linux (ATi included). So you are on your own and yuu depend on other people who test these components and reverse engineer API/ABI, firmware and software from the windows world.
If you want to play games so badly, USE WINDOWS. Period.
"the newest 9.10 alpfa of the fglrx supports ubuntu 9.10 but there is lot of work do to. "
I have Ubuntu 8.10 here with AMD64 .26 kernel and Catalyst 9.8 works just fine. Also WTF does the Ubuntu version have to do with it? The kernel is the same, provided that is the same version. Download the fglrx blob from ATi, install it and it works fine.
"realy all features in the opensource driver are better..."
Really, like what? I work on fluid simulations software and the open source drivers are crap at this moment. Basic 3D features of the GPU have poor support and (ahem) *advanced* features have no support.
"Radeon=EXA/GEM/TTM fast fast superfast.......
LOLOLOFASSTOMGPONIES! On what? What kernel? What hardware? What software? What GPU/OpenGL features the software uses?
We DEPEND on the blobs from Nvidia and ATi for our software to work... and it does. The open source driver is really good for watching 1080p Desperate Housewives and browsing. If you bought your video card just for that, i have bad news for you: you've got ripped.
"the FGLRX will DIE very very fast." Right... DIE DIE DIE! How old are you?
Also, reading some more posts:
"tesslation is in direktX 11 at the first time." Ehm, what? What does DX have to do with Linux? What free-open-source games that you or the other guys here play or know about ( i don't know of any ) use GPU accelerated tesselation and it is a core feature ?
I am very curious because we DO have GPU accelerated tesselation, we made it with GLSL. Apparently you are bitching that SOMEONE ELSE didn't do it for you for free so you can download an open source driver and just call TesselateLoLol() and get a paychek, like they do on XBox development...
You DO know that games are proprietary closed source software, right? If you are sick of closed source and only use open source software, why buy uber-cards at all? I mean, what free, open source games are there that need anything more powerful than am integrated intel 950 crap?
You are a bunch of hypocrites. You are sick of closed source, but you buy expensive video hardware, and bitch about its open source/closed source drivers... to play closed source games. Or games don't count as as software?
Are you too cheap to buy the shittiest, cheapest windows license and use it only as a "console os" or are you too scared to download a pirated windows from torrents?
Up until a few years ago, when we attended some crap M$ development seminars and go a free XP version that I still use, I used XP downloaded from torrents. Why? Because I only boot in it 2 hours per weekned at most to play a few games. It has nothing except drivers and the games themselves and it is utterly useless at anything else. I've been using linux for more than 10 years now and, except a handful of online games that i play from time to time there is NOTHING that I can't do on it.
Taking this religious crusade against closed source software is stupid, as you just stated you play closed source games. Maybe you need to re-examine you dogmas and your own morality.
"on 1 pc i use ubuntu 9.10 the stable fglrx do not support this the opensource one works!"
What pc? What configuration? What video card? What motherboard? WHat everything?
I have 4 machines at home: two with integrated radeon 3200, one with a 3870 and one with a 4850 and had one at work with a radeon 4830 and ALL WORK FINE with fglrx.
Maybe you have shitty components, you bought a hua-ximg-me cheapo radeon, soldered together on a boat in the indian ocean, maybe your PSU is crap and it feeds currents with too much jitter to the video card.
I know what to choose that it works on linux, and it is made by a known vendor, with quality components. I always test my components after I buy them. I always search and read forums and articles for compatibility issues on linux for various components.
Wake up people! In order to use linux you need hardware. And most PC hardware manufacturers don't give a flying fuck about linux (ATi included). So you are on your own and yuu depend on other people who test these components and reverse engineer API/ABI, firmware and software from the windows world.
If you want to play games so badly, USE WINDOWS. Period.
"the newest 9.10 alpfa of the fglrx supports ubuntu 9.10 but there is lot of work do to. "
I have Ubuntu 8.10 here with AMD64 .26 kernel and Catalyst 9.8 works just fine. Also WTF does the Ubuntu version have to do with it? The kernel is the same, provided that is the same version. Download the fglrx blob from ATi, install it and it works fine.
"realy all features in the opensource driver are better..."
Really, like what? I work on fluid simulations software and the open source drivers are crap at this moment. Basic 3D features of the GPU have poor support and (ahem) *advanced* features have no support.
"Radeon=EXA/GEM/TTM fast fast superfast.......
LOLOLOFASSTOMGPONIES! On what? What kernel? What hardware? What software? What GPU/OpenGL features the software uses?
We DEPEND on the blobs from Nvidia and ATi for our software to work... and it does. The open source driver is really good for watching 1080p Desperate Housewives and browsing. If you bought your video card just for that, i have bad news for you: you've got ripped.
"the FGLRX will DIE very very fast." Right... DIE DIE DIE! How old are you?
Also, reading some more posts:
"tesslation is in direktX 11 at the first time." Ehm, what? What does DX have to do with Linux? What free-open-source games that you or the other guys here play or know about ( i don't know of any ) use GPU accelerated tesselation and it is a core feature ?
I am very curious because we DO have GPU accelerated tesselation, we made it with GLSL. Apparently you are bitching that SOMEONE ELSE didn't do it for you for free so you can download an open source driver and just call TesselateLoLol() and get a paychek, like they do on XBox development...