New AMD Catalyst Beta Supports Linux 3.8, TF2 Fixes

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  • ArtKun
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2012
    • 29

    Probably you should've removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf instead of reinstalling the whole OS X.Org was configured to use fglrx, which was not available after removing Catalyst.


    • Gps4l
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2010
      • 326

      Originally posted by leonmaxx View Post
      Before You attempt to install Catalyst drivers again, make sure You have installed gcc, binutils, make,... etc, and especially kernel headers (kernel-desktop-devel package). Also You can try to setup ssh access to your pc, next time your desktop crash - You'll be able to login remotely to it, and try to fix problems without re-install.

      Sorry for my bad English.
      Thank you. OpenSUSE has a one click install for the amd drivers, but not for the beta drivers.
      If you want the beta drivers, you need the command line.

      The way I see it though, if you're afraid to reinstall your os, don't use beta drivers.

      I like the shh idea.

      I don't have a clue what was wrong though, I have installed the beta drives before, without any problems.

      I am assuming that the problem came from the drivers having the same name.
      So firefox added a 1 to the name. Maybe thats why the installer could not find some files.
      ( it complained about some files being changed )

      AMD did warn me to not use force, and that's the main reason for me warning others, don't use force.
      Next time I will try to solve the the problem, without --force.


      • Gps4l
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2010
        • 326

        Originally posted by ArtKun View Post
        Probably you should've removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf instead of reinstalling the whole OS X.Org was configured to use fglrx, which was not available after removing Catalyst.
        Yeah probably, but the problem started with uninstall (the normal way) not working.

        It said something about some files being changed, and they could not be removed.
        Using force was clearly a bad idea.


        • PsynoKhi0
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2010
          • 531

          Originally posted by Gps4l View Post
          So I tried, but it failed, some files were changed wtf? and it could not remove all files.
          My guess is you got a Mesa/DRM update through YaST. I think Catalyst installs its own version of one of the libraries, and as that file was overwritten by the YaST update, the installation program couldn't find its own.
          Next time you have this issue, as someone else suggested, delete the Xorg.conf file, then reinstall the same Catalyst version that you had already installed to get the library back. Then uninstall and upgrade as usual.
          BTW I usually install Catalyst from a tty, with Xorg shutdown (init 3).


          • ArtKun
            Junior Member
            • Mar 2012
            • 29

            Originally posted by Gps4l View Post
            Using force was clearly a bad idea.
            Yeah, but it worked fine for me on Fedora a couple weeks ago. I'm using FOSS radeon driver now, and it works like a charm. No problem at all


            • Gps4l
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2010
              • 326

              Originally posted by PsynoKhi0 View Post
              My guess is you got a Mesa/DRM update through YaST. I think Catalyst installs its own version of one of the libraries, and as that file was overwritten by the YaST update, the installation program couldn't find its own.
              Next time you have this issue, as someone else suggested, delete the Xorg.conf file, then reinstall the same Catalyst version that you had already installed to get the library back. Then uninstall and upgrade as usual.
              BTW I usually install Catalyst from a tty, with Xorg shutdown (init 3).
              I used to do it that way (init 3) Maybe I should still do it that way. ( at least for the beta drivers )

              I like your idea about deleting xorg and then re install the same catalyst version. That probably would have solved my problem.

              I am currently not very happy, but filed a bug at the amd dev forums.

              After install of opensuse, I had no screen tearing ( with firefox on forums, when scrolling a page ) and flash vid full screen, were 100% fluently.

              After install of the catalyst 13.1 though, the screen tearing is back, and flash vids freeze for a sec, quit frequently.
              ( exactly like with the 13.2 beta 3 )


              • Decebal
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2012
                • 14

                Support tactics

                Originally posted by bridgman View Post
                Ahh, you mean a feel-good platitude disconnected from reality. I guess we could do that but it's not the way we like to operate. Besides, I would rather use a script for mindless responses... when we have extra $$ to spend we try to spend it on engineering folks.
                >> I suppose it's bash or some other linux shell... (one could do it under windows but surely would need a steady hand) ... it's great it just works on a console, no fancy graphics here sir - no problems !

                Originally posted by bridgman View Post
                The point is that the developers do *not* have time to look at every bug individually in real time. That's why we don't tell people that we will.
                >> Come on, we all know (well, maybe not quite all...) it's not like watching a movie... real time is for kernels, not humans

                Originally posted by bridgman View Post
                The devs look for clusters of problems indicating areas that need some urgent attention, and patterns which might suggest possible solutions. You'll find this is the case at every vendor although the degree may vary.
                >> This is reminding me of my support days... when fetching 20 or about there e-mails in the morning and looking quickly through them to see what was in the day for me. Most of them where quick fixing problems with 2-3, sometimes maybe more 'heavy' ones. So, to avoid a pile up never stop growing problems, I allocated 2-3 hours for fixing the easier ones and after that took my time to solve the big issues. Of course, it was routine to get calls from the 'owners' of the big issues asking to fix their issues right there right then. I got used to be yelled at. But none the less, I followed my tactics because otherwise the pile would simply grow and grow and I would get 20*N calls or about there from really pissed up guys. Well, from what I can observe, your team is in the process of building a large pile, so something is wrong... I suppose your problems are way more complicated but maybe, just maybe, it would be a better idea to fix the little and more mundane problems first, just to make those big mouths that are in the numbers happy (us, the minions who happened to buy AMD hw). Then, your guys could go on and be stellar and write patches that fix multiple issues simultaneous, etc... or even greater things. Again, I suppose in case of another vendor this degree is varying toward my approach since the mouths of their customer aren't so vocal and so in numbers...


                • ayandon
                  Phoronix Member
                  • Sep 2012
                  • 64

                  Which "Addition Driver" should I installed ?

                  I have recently installed a AMD/ATi HD 6670 Graphics card for my 2nd PC.
                  I am using Ubuntu 12.4 LTS and Steam.

                  Which "Addition Driver" should I installed ?
                  It has lots of ATI related items without any clear version information


                  • RussianNeuroMancer
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1452

                    Originally posted by ayandon View Post
                    Which "Addition Driver" should I installed ?
                    If you going to play games - it's better to install most newer driver from web-site instead of old builds available in repository. Catalyst 13.1 or Catalyst 13.3 Beta:


                    • ayandon
                      Phoronix Member
                      • Sep 2012
                      • 64

                      Originally posted by RussianNeuroMancer View Post
                      If you going to play games - it's better to install most newer driver from web-site instead of old builds available in repository. Catalyst 13.1 or Catalyst 13.3 Beta:
                      Thanks for the guides.
                      Beta or Stable ?

