Originally posted by opera
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I got tired and frustrated with ATI products back in 2004, I simply changed my video card, and all is "well" now, but I certainly don't have to bash ATI about it.
It's been a known fact for at least 4 years now (yes, since 2003) that ATI+Linux don't mix well together, so I ask again, why linger so long with a product you know may and/or will cause you trouble to begin with?
About the driver, I hope people will start posting performance figures in a bit, not only glxgears or fgl_glxgears, please, but other 3D stuff.
BTW, nowhere did we see in neither Michael's articles, nor other notes, that the 8.41 driver magically "fixed" issues (such as XV and others), even if it is based off a totally new code base. Hopefully, being this a NEW code, things will evolve faster and things will actually get fixed... In the mean time, though, I'll keep my eyes open and watch these new drivers evolution.