Another example of AMD's bad opengl support

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  • glxextxexlg
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 205

    Another example of AMD's bad opengl support

    According to this page (see known issues):

    Unigine Heaven benchmark's hardware tesselation works badly on AMD/ATI cards using OpenGL as renderer. DirectX 11 tesselation on AMD cards work as expected. Very interesting...

    Another obstacle on the way of game developers who wish to develop for linux/Mac.
    Another reason for me to purchase an nvidia for my new desktop card...

    Well, here you are AMD fanboys, go on with your dumb, meaningless evangelism.
  • Kano
    Kanotix Developer
    • Aug 2007
    • 7924

    Well that error report was for Win. I reported that too, but only after the german c't magazine reported that issue there have been a 10-10 hotfix driver that fixed it. 10-11 was still broken, since 10-12 it is fixed without any extra hotfix driver. It was no error on Linux, just Win was much slower than Linux - and of course slower than DX11.


    • D0pamine
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2008
      • 361

      What I don't like about these forums ( this section mainly ) is the bitching about AMD/ATI and FGLRX support and the nvidia 'fanbois' telling me i should get a nvidia card - I really don't care for this as I have an ATI card. There seems to be very little in the way of device help/tweaking/tinkering and a hell of a lot of bashing of the AMD/ATI brand because of their 'poor GNU/Linux support'.
      I will agree that the FGLRX isn't on a par with nvidia at the moment but great strides have been made especially with the 10.12 catalyst driver - I have just played fallout new vegas via wine flawlessly as a matter of fact it runs better than in windoze - so respect to the FGLRX developers they're going in the right direction and putting the effort in! so I feel a little more appreciation of their work and feedback isn't too much to ask - if you don't have an AMD/ATI card then why comment? I don't even read the VIA graphics section of these forums because I don't have a VIA card.
      For me AMD made me very happy by releasing the specifications for their range of cards which allows for much easier development of free drivers - this alone made me want one not the performance on whatever application.

      P.S. nvidia blobs aren't all that they're made out to be - hence I switched from nvidia to AMD/ATI - at least there is hope of an free driver!

      EDIT: rant over - you're all naughty boys and girls!


      • kernelOfTruth
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2009
        • 737

        THIS IS ridiculous !

        I'm only seldomly using my laptop with an nvidia card (which is run by the nvidia blob) and there's still this text-corruption bug when scrolling with browsers (especially firefox if I still remember correctly - due to glyphcache (?))

        this is now almost 1-2 years later

        the grass is not always greener on the other side - in fact - it's NEVER - it's only IN YOUR IMAGINATION

        and the human brain and psyche is known to be a - in its spare-time - producing crap-machine (no one excluded)



        • kernelOfTruth
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 737

          !!!%=)($=/(&%!! 1 minute edit limit

          in fact I could list lots of more REAL WORLD(TM) issues - but I won't - my time is too precious for this shit


          • d2kx
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 2311

            Catalyst 11.1 has drastic improvements (including up to double the performance) for tesselation usage in Unigine Heaven (OpenGL).


            • D0pamine
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2008
              • 361

              I swear these forums become more like neowin/hardforums every time I visit! and this isn't good!


              • kernelOfTruth
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2009
                • 737

                Originally posted by D0pamine View Post
                I swear these forums become more like neowin/hardforums every time I visit! and this isn't good!

                I apologize for over-reacting

                but seriously:

                we need some moderators in here dealing with this crap


                • D0pamine
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 361

                  Not moderation - thats the neo-win/hardforum way! just some FLOSS attitude from members - be a good neighbor - share the knowlege - ect
                  just splattering crap about how one gpu driver is better than another doesn't help anyone. I will start a thread shortly about getting the most out of your AMD/ATI card and just maybe... we can help with the development of FGLRX - that said I'm more interested in the development of the free driver but we are where we are.... for the moment


                  • evolution
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 242

                    Originally posted by glxextxexlg View Post
                    According to this page (see known issues):

                    Unigine Heaven benchmark's hardware tesselation works badly on AMD/ATI cards using OpenGL as renderer. DirectX 11 tesselation on AMD cards work as expected. Very interesting...

                    Another obstacle on the way of game developers who wish to develop for linux/Mac.
                    Another reason for me to purchase an nvidia for my new desktop card...

                    Well, here you are AMD fanboys, go on with your dumb, meaningless evangelism.
                    So, if you like nVidia that much, go to the nvforums, and show your nVidi**ism there, maybe you'll get some cool answers from your friends...

