Originally posted by gordboy-fan
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Wau gordboy(-fan)! You made me create a user of this (normally great forum).
I have a question: "What is wrong with you?".
Did you read bridgman's response? Well apparently you didn't understand ANYTHING he cleverly wrote to you. They had to make fundamentally changes in the linux gfx stack, before they could even start making all the good things a modern graphic stack should be. Fundamentally changes in the linux driver stack, is not something you write in two weeks!
As bridgman said, when all the fundamental things is finished, you will start seeing improvement to the radeon driver faster than you do today.
Originally posted by gordboy-fanunfortunately can't be expressed in a polite way
It is so funny that you all took my conspiracy theory so seriously, because the point of it was that:
1. I am not gordboy ...
2. These specific users, are so ignorant, clueless and extreme fanboys that are just like they are getting paid to be so. And the fact that I am explaining this double-proves that.
OK - I haven't posted before...
I too have created a username specially to decloak and have a rant. I would like to share my real-world experience with being a developer on an Open Source project (I worked on a fairly complex video project on Sourceforge).
I found that working on Open Source was a real pain. The theory that people will come and "help" is simply not true. You get lots of people complaining, telling you how you are wrong (despite them obviously not having a clue), and lots... lots... lots... of University students asking you to do their course work for them.
So, I quit doing that work and got a job. Lo and Behold: (1) Money - quite a lot of it (2) You don't have to deal with idiots on mailing lists (3) Managers who are paid to talk to ***PAYING*** customers (and we are not talking $50 for a graphics card here) (4) Did I mention being paid money?
I really don't know why agd5f and Bridgman still post here. Frankly I wouldn't bother with all the repeated questions and crap they have to deal with. It's not like they have any control over the number of developers that AMD assign to the Open Source projects (it looks like three or four).
I have taken a look through the Radeon code and even without a lot of 3D experience, I can see that these guys know their stuff. I can also see that there would be people willing to pay good money for 3D support on Linux (and I am not thinking about people trying to run games under Wine). I would recommend that AMD and NVidia stop wasting their time producing free Linux drivers and start charging maybe $150 per user per year for paying customers.
Trust me, in the proprietary world, you wouldn't get near to guys with this much skill and knowledge, even if you paid loads of money for support you'd be routed to customer support in India.
If you don't like what the Radeon guys do, then buy a Nvidia or Intel card or something. The Nvidia driver locks up my machine hard when doing 3D BTW.
If you think that you can do the development, I neither believe you have the skill, nor that you would invest the necessary time. Point me to your site on SourceForge to prove me wrong (if you do, you'll have a lot of respect from me).
I love Open Source and think that it is really amazing because I couldn't afford to buy Solaris or other high-end software, much less get to see how it works at source code level. Let's face it though: Most open source is simply freeloading off Red Hat and Novell's paying customers.
End rant. I hope agd5f et al hang around here, ATI video drivers aren't my main interest in life, but I like hearing from real developers working on real code.
Did you read bridgman's response? Well apparently you didn't understand ANYTHING he cleverly wrote to you. They had to make fundamentally changes in the linux gfx stack, before they could even start making all the good things a modern graphic stack should be. Fundamentally changes in the linux driver stack, is not something you write in two weeks!How can it be fanboyism having an idea how hard/long it takes to re-write the whole graphic stack of linux?
My point is that the way they have chosen to do the whole open source strategy from the beginning to end is crap, so no technical reasons of the current problems can change the facts.
When you are a leader in the graphics department, you don't follow standards that slow you down (kms, gallium crap etc) but you create your own standards and everyone else follows you. That's what nvidia does now, that's why they lead *nix graphics, and no-one cares about the unstable buggy xorg standards that change/break in each version. Nvidia does this the closed-source way, ATI could had done the same, but better and open-source if they wanted.
Right now they are following intel and kernel/xorg graphics projects. Who has better experience and knowledge in the graphics department? Intel? Kernel-dev-team? xorg-dev-team? or ATI/AMD?
The answer is easy here, but the answer is not the leader and that doesn't make sense.