AMD Catalyst 9.12 For Linux available
Looks like they broke compiz blur again... Thats like the only feature I care about!! Not seeing any compelling reasons to upgrade over 9.11 anyway. Might have to hold off.
asus 4850 ubuntu 9.10 x64
And one more thing! Why is the driver NOT overriding my Anti aliasing settings and AS for my games? I play Urban terror and it looks like crap anyway, I figure a little AA would help. Maybe from using compiz and playing the game at the same time...
A "fix" would require work, do you really think ATI works on xvba? I don't. I know so many problems with xvba that i replaced my card on my system which i use for watching movies by a GT220. I updated the gfx firmware to make it more stable which increases the lowest fan speed from 25% to 40% but this still is not that loud. Of course i noticed problems with this card too - many in the vdpau-video wrapper but still no fix is available. This does not matter much for me as mplayer+vdpau works much better. As xvba is low priority for endusers a card replacement is REALLY the only way to get something working now - and the future as long as cpus do not fully handle 1080p with ease at high bitrates - i guess this will be at about 4 ghz for 48 mbit single core. So how are the bets what happens before? 4 ghz default clock for 50 € cpus or a working xvba implementation from ATI?Last edited by Kano; 17 December 2009, 08:49 PM.
And the problem with black screen and system freeze that I have since Catalyst 9.9 still not resolved This is not even listed on the Known Issues list despite of that many people report this in various places (including this forum) and I have reported this through ATI's "Linux Feedback Program". I'm getting more and more convinced that the next graphic card I buy would be from nvidia as it seems those folks care much more about customers running Linux on their machines.