Open ATI Driver More Popular Than Catalyst

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    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 2226

    Originally posted by Qaridarium
    you are a poor man!

    idtech5 streams from the HDD??? wow!...
    That means independent amount of 32GB textures. That means that every pixel can be different. Arma2's engine only loads a standard set of textures and not one mega texture. That is just a culling technique so it's not streaming but loading. It's a huge difference. And we haven't even talked about the geometry...

    you are soooooo POOR! because ARMA2 streams 10000000xxxxxxxxxxxxGB of viedeo textur from the HDD
    Wow! a 1000000000000000000000000000GB?! OMgz0rs!1111 one one eleven. Now how much does it realy culls?

    the arma2 engine streams this since 1998!
    No, Arma is culling, not streaming. Once again, you don't know anything about 3D graphics.


    • Adarion
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 2063

      Originally posted by piete View Post
      +1. And since I'm a Mobility X1600 ... power management for my card).
      Did you check the free driver stack recently? I don't know which generation the X1600 is based upon but if this is R500 or lower it should be already working with the power savings.
      Stop TCPA, stupid software patents and corrupt politicians!


      • Zajec
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2008
        • 246

        Originally posted by Adarion View Post
        Did you check the free driver stack recently? I don't know which generation the X1600 is based upon but if this is R500 or lower it should be already working with the power savings.
        Only disabling unused blocks, not real downclocking of engine/memory or changing voltage. That is still missing.


        • piete
          Junior Member
          • May 2009
          • 39

          Originally posted by Adarion View Post
          Did you check the free driver stack recently? I don't know which generation the X1600 is based upon but if this is R500 or lower it should be already working with the power savings.
          Not very recently, but I did even build the drivers once from git when there were some news about power management. And even that power management wasn't as good as fglrx's. Since I'm no expert the easiest way for me to see how well the power management is working is to check the fan speed (ACPI), with fglrx (and powerstate 1) it is normally 55%, free drivers get to 70% with all powersaving options on.

          And I understand that at the moment it's either KMS with no power management or newest drivers with moderate power management but no KMS. I understand that kernel 2.32 has debugfs to see the temperatures better but it doesn't translate yet to a functional power management.
          Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

          And yes, X1600 is R500.


          • Zajec
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 246

            Originally posted by piete View Post
            And I understand that at the moment it's either KMS with no power management or newest drivers with moderate power management but no KMS. I understand that kernel 2.32 has debugfs to see the temperatures better but it doesn't translate yet to a functional power management.
            Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.
            Almost correct. We export clocks, not temperatures. I believe I've heard Alex has some code for reading temperature working, but nothing published yet.

