Phoronix: ATI R300-R500 Gallium3D Driver Is "Mostly" Done
It has been a while since talking specifically about ATI's Gallium3D driver, but there is some good news coming out now for the driver that supports the ATI R300 through R500 (Radeon X1000) series hardware. Corbin Simpson, the developer that has largely been working on porting the 3D work from the classic Mesa driver to Gallium3D, has updated the Radeon Feature Matrix page on the X.Org Wiki last night.According to this update, the status of Gallium3D on ATI R300 through R500 hardware has changed from "TODO" and "WIP" to being "DONE" for the Softpipe pass-through and being "MOSTLY" for the core driver...
It has been a while since talking specifically about ATI's Gallium3D driver, but there is some good news coming out now for the driver that supports the ATI R300 through R500 (Radeon X1000) series hardware. Corbin Simpson, the developer that has largely been working on porting the 3D work from the classic Mesa driver to Gallium3D, has updated the Radeon Feature Matrix page on the X.Org Wiki last night.According to this update, the status of Gallium3D on ATI R300 through R500 hardware has changed from "TODO" and "WIP" to being "DONE" for the Softpipe pass-through and being "MOSTLY" for the core driver...