AMD Catalyst 9.8 Delivers New Kernel Support

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    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
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    Originally posted by nanonyme View Post
    I mostly meant: 500E is a huge pile of money. If you buy a single hardware piece with that amount of money only to play games, you must value games pretty damn high. Irregardless of the operating system.
    Hahaha normally yes But I wanted to upgrade my entire PC for a 1000 euro's (that's kinda normal isn't it?) and in combination with the insanely cheap RAM prices and AMD CPU's I could afford that card with a budget of a 1000 euro's. And I plan to use it for 6 years, so


    • cutterjohn
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 333

      Originally posted by Silverthorn View Post
      I encountered no such bug but I was a bit surprised by the need for superuser to configure my monitors.
      Well, a search of the entire drive revealed no binary/script/any sort of file called "amdxdg-su".

      Inspecting the .640 built packages by running sh ./ati-<whatever it's called> --buildpkg Ubuntu/9.04 turned up no packages containing such a file.

      9.7 and below ran catalyst control center w/o complaining as a user app.

      9.8 catalyst control center started showing to make any changes, etc. must be run as administrator, run the super-user version. (Thet's been there for several versions now, but I've never needed to use it to make changes until 9.8)

      So, all I can say is that you're likely using a different distro than I am, or you're using the automatic install which may install the additional file.

      I just noticed in amdccle 9.7 & 8 package
      nm this is a red herring there is one for GNOME as well, and it's what specifies the amdxdg-su app or script...

      I added

      I'm frightened by their ticketing system though as it still thinks that 9.7 is the most recent catalyst, or it didn't give me a 9.8 version option when I picked the linux driver... I wonder how many thing never get fixed because they don't keep their QA stuff updated...
      Last edited by cutterjohn; 27 August 2009, 09:53 AM.


      • mirv
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2007
        • 894 is an unofficial bug reporting site. ATI generally keep an eye on it, however their main priority is with the in-house testing areas (if they can't replicate a bug on their own systems, they can't do much to fix it).


        • nanonyme
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2008
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          Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
          Hahaha normally yes But I wanted to upgrade my entire PC for a 1000 euro's (that's kinda normal isn't it?) and in combination with the insanely cheap RAM prices and AMD CPU's I could afford that card with a budget of a 1000 euro's. And I plan to use it for 6 years, so
          My full upgrades rarely go over 600 euros and they tend to easily roll for 5 years or more. The only reason I'm upgrading now is my motherboard is breaking up. Seriously, 1000 euros is a lot unless it includes a full computer which has a monitor.


          • cutterjohn
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
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            Originally posted by mirv View Post
   is an unofficial bug reporting site. ATI generally keep an eye on it, however their main priority is with the in-house testing areas (if they can't replicate a bug on their own systems, they can't do much to fix it).
            Didn't know that it wasn't an AMD thing, as bridgman had recommended that other users file bug reports there before.

            Anyways, I filed this as a bug, as my build it clearly specifies that app/script to escalate privileges for ccc, yet it just does not exist...

            I mean, this is a driver package that I downloaded from AMD directly, built the recommended --buildpkg <distro>/<version>, etc. It's a bug at least for Ubuntu 9.04 x86-64.


            • V!NCENT
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 2226

              Originally posted by nanonyme View Post
              My full upgrades rarely go over 600 euros and they tend to easily roll for 5 years or more. The only reason I'm upgrading now is my motherboard is breaking up. Seriously, 1000 euros is a lot unless it includes a full computer which has a monitor.
              It depends on what you want. 600 euros can also be a shitload of money when you could have a fully supported and Linux preinstalled laptop with a Core2Duo and 4GB RAM and an Intel graphics card, WiFi, Bluetoot, 5.1 surround sound and all that jive for 500 euros.

              I had a 32bit AMD Athlon 2800 XP+, 1GB RAM and a Radeon 9800pro (r3xx) and that could easily still run everything including UT3 on medium settings, but stuff got a little slow, it wasn't that responsive anymore (not multicore) with KDE4 and desktop effects. So I thought about needing an upgrade so that everything out there today would run as fast and great as software did back in the day that I bought my 2800+.

              And what the hell: I have learned that the more money you spend on your pc, the longer you can do with it per euro spend. Of cource spending too much money on a pc makes the lifetime shorter per euro spend. It all about graphs and mathematics


              • lordmozilla
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2007
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                Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
                Of cource spending too much money on a pc makes the lifetime shorter per euro spend. It all about graphs and mathematics
                I would say its more to do with how much time you spend on sites advertising - i mean reviewing - PC hardware...

                Since when is 1000 dollars alot for a pc? Thats just how much you are willing to pay for it.


                • nanonyme
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2008
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                  Originally posted by lordmozilla View Post
                  Since when is 1000 dollars alot for a pc? Thats just how much you are willing to pay for it.
                  About 1400 dollars, actually. Do remember the money exchange rate hasn't been 1:1 for quite some time.


                  • mirv
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 894

                    Interesting how the catalyst 9.8 thread has turned into a discussion of currency exchange rates....or perhaps I'm just tired an easily amused at the moment.


                    • V!NCENT
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 2226

                      Originally posted by Qaridarium
                      hey its only because the catalyst is perfekt no bug or error to report also lets talk abaut money or sex or somthing like that
                      Hahaha yes. It would be a first, but I would like it ^^, Radio: "I'm easy like sunday morning"

                      @LordMozilla: OK so now I am an online hardware reviewer/advertiser on teh Phoronix forums. Errrr Phoronix itself is a hardware review site, so you might want to rethink that post xD

                      1000 euro's for hardware here is about what you would get for a 1000 dollars in the US. Doesn't relly make a difference, unless you import of course

                      But most people do 3 years with their 600E pc; I do 6 years with my 1000E hardware. And if I have to and if I don't have the money for it at that time then I can easily do longer with that hardware. Computers and are also (among other things) my hobby and hobbies, guess what, cost money. Simple as that. Everybody can buy a Pentrium 3 box, run fluxbox, firefox, OO.o and Microsoft Office 2003 under Wine for 100E and a 17" flatscreen, keyboard and mouse for 100E extra. So none of anybody's shit heres makes any sence. I felt my computer couldn't handle stuff as fast as I wanted, so I upgraded. Can we please stop about this particular thing/annoyance?

