I have brought a new Samsung S2233 SW Full HD 1080p resol. monitor.. Now I have been using it w/o any problem.. Except some vertical flickering while playing vide..
How can I fix it ?
My setup..
AMD Phenom X3 8650
ATI Radeon HD 3300 Integrated graphics
Samsung S2233SW Analog port connected...
I am using mandriva 2009.1 with fglrx 9.4 ... Previously I had 19" TFT and had same issue...
Another issue...is with full hd playback.. My graphics has support for it but some player has some issue
he issue is only with full HD 1080p moves not with lower or even with 720p movies :
1. Both in Windows and Linux when I play HD1080p movies sometimes in some scenes [always occur in same scenes] , the movies frames get either very slow or get stuck .. that is basically due to frame dropping option to cope up with audio
2. Now If I disable that frame dropping option.. The audio gets fast than scene.. For eg.. I will hear the dialogues before the movement of lips or scene...
Please help me out...
P.s : http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?pag...us_vh236&num=4 just noticed that some screen has far cry ? is it availabel for linux ? also whats that amd testing only logo there ?
How can I fix it ?
My setup..
AMD Phenom X3 8650
ATI Radeon HD 3300 Integrated graphics
Samsung S2233SW Analog port connected...
I am using mandriva 2009.1 with fglrx 9.4 ... Previously I had 19" TFT and had same issue...
Another issue...is with full hd playback.. My graphics has support for it but some player has some issue
he issue is only with full HD 1080p moves not with lower or even with 720p movies :
1. Both in Windows and Linux when I play HD1080p movies sometimes in some scenes [always occur in same scenes] , the movies frames get either very slow or get stuck .. that is basically due to frame dropping option to cope up with audio
2. Now If I disable that frame dropping option.. The audio gets fast than scene.. For eg.. I will hear the dialogues before the movement of lips or scene...
Please help me out...
P.s : http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?pag...us_vh236&num=4 just noticed that some screen has far cry ? is it availabel for linux ? also whats that amd testing only logo there ?