AMDGPU Linux Kernel Driver Support Posted For The "Dimgrey Cavefish"

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67366

    AMDGPU Linux Kernel Driver Support Posted For The "Dimgrey Cavefish"

    Phoronix: AMDGPU Linux Kernel Driver Support Posted For The "Dimgrey Cavefish"

    At the end of September there were Mesa patches posted for the "Dimgrey Cavefish" at the same time as also posting VanGogh APU support for the RadeonSI Gallium3D driver. The AMDGPU Linux kernel driver support has now been posted for the Dimgrey Cavefish...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • qarium
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 3443

    i am sick of all these code-names... no one can make any sense of it.
    why not just stop report any news on this silly madness?...
    they need media attention yes but in this case we should just stop to report any such news.

    i buy a lot of amd hardware but this is just madness....

    no one can show any of these news to friends it is more like you are in madhouse and talk to crazy people.
    Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


    • skeevy420
      Senior Member
      • May 2017
      • 8656

      1. Dimgrey Cavefish was a horrible episode of Ancient Aliens. OoOohHh. We're Grey Aliens with intergalactic travel abilities but our dim asses live in caves on Earth like fish. Can't think of anywhere else better to live but caves on Earth. Dim-ass grey aliens.
      2. Dimgrey is one of the colors that I'd expect a cavefish to be. +1 for accuracy
      3. I really hope Blackened is in the color list. I'd love for Blackened Salmon to be a GPU code name.
      4. 50 Patches. At one time?!? That's a Clerks reference.
      5. Golden Catfish would also be a great code name.


      • bridgman
        AMD Linux
        • Oct 2007
        • 13187

        Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post
        i am sick of all these code-names... no one can make any sense of it.
        why not just stop report any news on this silly madness?...
        they need media attention yes but in this case we should just stop to report any such news.
        I think it's fair to say that the ideal situation for us would be to get upstream support in place *without* any media attention. The less attention there is, the more freedom we have to upstream early.

        Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post
        I really hope Blackened is in the color list. I'd love for Blackened Salmon to be a GPU code name.
        Golden Catfish would also be a great code name.
        The colour list is here:

        No "blackened" or "golden", sorry, although it does include "blanched almond" and "goldenrod".
        Last edited by bridgman; 07 October 2020, 03:49 PM.
        Test signature


        • Space Heater
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2016
          • 442

          Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post
          i am sick of all these code-names... no one can make any sense of it.
          It's almost as if that's the purpose of a code name.


          • qarium
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2008
            • 3443

            Originally posted by bridgman View Post

            I think it's fair to say that the ideal situation for us would be to get upstream support in place *without* any media attention. The less attention there is, the more freedom we have to upstream early.
            i disagree with you ANY media attention even bad one is good for a company like amd.
            because this shows interest in the company and its products.

            the result of the crazy codenames is maybe: i skip any amd news and buy a dog instead and quit computer gaming as a hobby. so it maybe does not turn out to be what is the purpose of your crazy codenames.
            Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


            • stiiixy
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2009
              • 1397

              It seems to me the only people interested in early stage code development are code developers and early hardware adopter's.

              If I can put up with what passes for English from the US, you surely could handle a mere nonsensical, fading-to-past at light speed code name.

              Plenty of other fish to fry right now in the world comparitively.


              • MadCatX
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2013
                • 395

                Please, tell me that I will replace my RX570 with something called Hotpink Anglerfish!


                • stiiixy
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 1397

                  Fuchsia Ling


                  • skeevy420
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2017
                    • 8656

                    Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post

                    i disagree with you ANY media attention even bad one is good for a company like amd.
                    because this shows interest in the company and its products.

                    the result of the crazy codenames is maybe: i skip any amd news and buy a dog instead and quit computer gaming as a hobby. so it maybe does not turn out to be what is the purpose of your crazy codenames.
                    AMD code names are enough to trigger you to quit computer gaming??? Are you serious?
                    1. Not store exclusive DLC.
                    2. Not day one patches.
                    3. Not Epic's bribes.
                    4. Not store exclusive games.
                    5. Not $1500 Nvidia GPUs.
                    6. Not Vulkan games on macOS or Windows but not Linux.
                    7. Not the $100 blu-ray drives in next-gen game consoles.
                    8. Not the incomplete HDMI support on Linux.
                    9. Not the coin miners keeping GPU prices inflated.
                    10. Not the blatantly limited content and monetization with increased in-game purchases.
                    11. Not AMD's traditionally bad day one support on Linux.
                    Crap like that makes me want to quit gaming.

                    But AMD using code names for their upcoming GPUs? Those make me happy. That means they're making new products and they want day one Linux support. That's one of the biggest complaints we have with AMD and their open source drivers. If some funny code names means we get better support and a few laughs in the forums, by all means bring it, AMD.

