fixing underscan might crash X

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  • soder
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 20

    Originally posted by Mr. Hilarious View Post
    For me, I fixed the problem in 8.12 (might have been 9.1 or 8.11, I really don't recall) by running:

    aticonfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,0
    and, I believe something was recorded in my grapchics BIOS, since once I upgraded I've never had a ******d up scan on my TV since. I believe the above doesn't record anything into amdbcsdb, but the

    aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2i,positionX:0
    aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2i,positionY:0
    aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2i,sizeX:1920
    aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2i,sizeY:1080
    on the other hand, does, and locks up the Xorg at the next start. So, if you get a hang system at start, make sure you delete the amdpcsdb (or move it away) while is not running to make sure you start clean (the file gets written again at every exit so deleting it while is running will not work).

    Oh, and I using:
    • Gentoo
    • Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H (with the builtin 780G integrated HD3200)
    • Catalyst 9.2 currently

    Hope this helps someone =)
    Well, as I understand, both options are not working on the 9.2 driver.

    I used the underscan options before, and it worked well. It saved the info in the amdpcsdb.



    • Mr. Hilarious
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2008
      • 25

      Originally posted by soder View Post
      Well, as I understand, both options are not working on the 9.2 driver.
      This is how I've understood it, too. At some point the first solution stopped working (might have been around 8.12~ish) and then the latter solution stopped working. In addition, the latter solution always hung up peoples boxes at the next sartup, so people needed to use some script to delete the amdpcsdb.

      So, you might want to downgrade to a some earlier version, run the first fix, and downgrade again if it doesn't work. If it does, you could then upgrade back to the newest version and pray. I'd presume this would work, since I don't have this problem; though I've never actually done the above (I just used the fix when a version where it worked was recent).

      Yeah, this sucks.


      • mrechte
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 6

        Now it has become very bad on my install: I am no longer able to use the 9.2 catalyst, X server produces a seg fault at start up.

        With ati driver, at X startup, 50% of the time the Samsumg TV indicates a "not supported mode". I have to switch from terminal mode to X mode (Ctl+Alt+F2 / Alt+F1) many times until eventually I get the TV displays the Gnome desktop (or until I am tired) !

        It is really depressing to have reached such a usefulness state after so many efforts...

        Will CC 9.3 version be our saver ?



        • Peruna
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2008
          • 30

          You probably need to remove your /etc/ati/amdpcsdb file. If I use amdcccle at some point it (or driver or whatever) saves current resolution there just to set it again when X is restarted. For some unknown reason that causes crash on startup.

          By removing the whole file or just needed lines in the file you can probably start it again.


          • Peruna
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2008
            • 30

            At last I can insert happy face to the title

            New 9.3 release actually fixes overscan perfectly. It also seems to have as good performance as 9.2. So good work ATI!

            The issue mentioned in previous message (crash on startup if amdpcsdb contains resolution set on startup) is still available, but if this driver is as stable as previous I don't care for now. I rebooted this computer about twice when 9.2 was used (and neither of boots was caused by ATI drivers).


            • mrechte
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 6

              Originally posted by Peruna View Post
              New 9.3 release actually fixes overscan perfectly. It also seems to have as good performance as 9.2. So good work ATI!
              In 9.3 Catalyst Centre there is a setting (slider) for adjusting the underscanning that when put to 0% fixes the problem. However next time X will start it will crash (fix is to restore /etc/ati/amdpcsdb file to the default before starting X).

              I could not find the equivalent aticonfig for adjusting the underscanning. Any idea ? (ps.*I tried aticonfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,0 and aticonfig --set-dispattrib tmds2i,positionX:0... without any success).



              • cyrus_mc
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2009
                • 13

                Originally posted by mrechte View Post
                In 9.3 Catalyst Centre there is a setting (slider) for adjusting the underscanning that when put to 0% fixes the problem. However next time X will start it will crash (fix is to restore /etc/ati/amdpcsdb file to the default before starting X).

                I could not find the equivalent aticonfig for adjusting the underscanning. Any idea ? (ps.*I tried aticonfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,0 and aticonfig --set-dispattrib tmds2i,positionX:0... without any success).

                Using 9.3 and the Control panel to set underscan to 0% does not crash X for me. Work perfectly. It is about time ATI fixed that issue.


                • bridgman
                  AMD Linux
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 13187

                  mrechte, can you give some info about your configuration (GPU, bus, distro etc...) ?
                  Test signature


                  • mrechte
                    Junior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 6

                    Originally posted by bridgman View Post
                    mrechte, can you give some info about your configuration (GPU, bus, distro etc...) ?
                    I confirm that X start up crashes at the nex start-up unless I reset the default values.

                    My config is Fedora 10 on a Gigabyte MA78GPM-DS2H mother boeard (HD3200 chipset with 128MB of dedicated video RAM). Monitor a Samsumg TV (LEA52) on HDMI port.

                    Please, if at least I could issue an aticonfig command to restore my parameters automatically when Gnome session is opened, that would be nice (rather than going manually into CCC each time)



                    • soder
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 20

                      I just picked up my new Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT. Not ATI for me for a while...


