Originally posted by phoronix
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With the demanding Unigine Valley, the GTX 1070 even edged out slightly ahead of the GTX 1070 for greater performance-per-Watt.
Any chance of getting Gigabyte 1070 Mini ITX (6.7" long) and Zotac 1070 Mini(8.3" long) compared to the 1070 FE using kernel 4.8 or 4.9?
As the next LTS release, the 4.9 would be especially good, even if still as RC. ...maybe even better as RC,

I'm pretty sick of the dual slot monster 10"+ long hanging over MB components that already have heat issues and :. looking for shorter versions. Those are the only 1070's that are shorter & available ATT but I wonder if there are any issues for use with Linux 4.9.