I was in need of a fast encoder myself and now started using HEVC/H.265 with nvenc running on a GTX 960. Little did I know... not only is the quality good, the speed fast, but one can run two encoding processes in parallel!
For some reason does the GTX960 allow to run two nvenc session simultaneously, thereby doubling the theoretical encoding speed. So now am I encoding two videos at a time, each at 200fp/s. An example:
This will find all files with the ending .avi in the directory Videos/ and transcode them into HEVC/H265+AAC files with the ending .mp4. The noteworthy part here is the -P 2 to xargs, which starts up to two processes in parallel.
Trying to start a third process results in an "out of memory error" and the Nvidia documentation (on their developers' website) states that a GTX960 can only run two sessions. Quadro cards supposedly can handle more than 2. This is some amazing encoding power.
For some reason does the GTX960 allow to run two nvenc session simultaneously, thereby doubling the theoretical encoding speed. So now am I encoding two videos at a time, each at 200fp/s. An example:
$ find Videos/ -type f -name \*.avi -print | sed 's/.avi$//' |\ xargs -n 1 -I@ -P 2 ffmpeg -i "@.avi" -c:a aac -c:v hevc_nvenc "@.mp4"
Trying to start a third process results in an "out of memory error" and the Nvidia documentation (on their developers' website) states that a GTX960 can only run two sessions. Quadro cards supposedly can handle more than 2. This is some amazing encoding power.