Originally posted by AdrianBc
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There are MANY motherboards / "BIOS" versions where one is given ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL of ASPM related settings for the DGPU (or anything else) and the "mandatory defaults" are apparently to just keep everything running using high power all the time.
This is intel, they design / make a large fraction of the CPUs, motherboard chipsets, system peripherals, and thus have a lot of control indirectly or directly over BIOS & driver level support for PCs in general.
ARC DG2 GPUs came out in 2022 and had approximately these same problems and it was IIRC around the start of 2024 when they started paying any attention to high idle power use for ARC and
the workaround advice wrt ASPM settings were unusable for a lot of people that had no such options or could not use them without causing crashes / instability due to whatever else not working well with ASPM modes enabled.
So given intel's vast competence in PC architecture / drivers / bios / OSs we'd kind of expect them to "get the job done" and pervasively change whatever is needed in the BIOS / OS / hardware design / firmware / drivers et. al. to make ASPM "just work" for modern PCs so it can be used effectively / reliably for their products and all other peripherals.
To launch generation #2 of DGPUs in 2024 with the same old problems for multi-monitor power use, higher refresh rate power use, and "needs ASPM manually set in the BIOS even though not so ubiquitously possible" problems unsolved since 2022 is disappointing especially when AMD, NV have better power management in practice.
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