Michael has just deleted my last post in the topic which means he doesn't want me to defend myself. OK. So be it. I don't care.
Only one of us, tenchrio, is mentioned multiple times in the kernel changelog and logs of multiple other open source projects, including GCC, Wine, KDE, XFCE, Mozilla Firefox, ffmpeg and multiple others. I will continue to improve open source, and you're free to write pure insane fiction about me.
AMD P-State Driver Improvements Getting Ready For Linux 6.14
Originally posted by PhoronosYou can marry him.
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Originally posted by avis View PostWhat's mind boggling is that you have enough time to follow me, read my every message and write walls of text "exposing" me.
No, do a Google search on my birth name (which unlike you I do not hide) or my many identities online: that will properly "expose" me and my work. A number of github subscribers, none of them who I know. A ton of supportive messages on my personal website. A lot of "thank you"s. Only here on Phoronix do I have no-lifers/no-namers with zero contributions following me and telling the "truth" about me. Absolute disgusting cringe.
You take credit for developers their work, take away the dev and there is no fix, take away Avis and we remove shitty github issues and 2.8 posts of cringe on Phoronix per day. You still don't say why you don't code your own solutions, or why you haven't forked the projects you keep bad mouthing on this forum as you have been warned in their respective issue trackers for your behavior, seems like with Gnome you actually got banned (and started ban evading again, you just can't leave can you?).
It's funny how you mention rich people as you definitely have the "DON"T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" part down as well as the ungodly amount of free time and self-importance, to not just post 2.8 times a day here but on other forums as well, what is it you even do? Cause it sounds like you are unemployed and need something to pretend you are important.
Oh and I did google your name, seems like either the meds are working real hard and are what give you your bravado or you still have a hard time accepting that you are "literally insane". The more I dig the sadder you get, you overshare way too much and I would feel bad for you if it weren't for the fact that I have seen your abhorent behavior that got your current account temporarily banned twice and your condition does not mean you can act the way you do.
Having no friends or significant other isn't a normal thing Artem, it shows that your behavior continues off forum as well. Do you also keep making up lies you lose track of IRL? Did you call your friends and family a 6 letter word starting with "re" or a 7 letter word starting with "im", like I have seen you call the Linux community in your posts before they get deleted (for good reason, in fact that kind of language gets you banned on other forums, by all means try using those words there)?
You say you have all these places where you are revered but then why always come back to Phoronix (of whom the community you also insult) and post so much? Because it sounds like you have a savior complex (in fact you fit the definition on wikipedia to a T) and believe you are open source jesus. Did you make Avis 3 days after Birdie got banned? He got banned for our sins.
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What's mind boggling is that you have enough time to follow me, read my every message and write walls of text "exposing" me.
No, do a Google search on my birth name (which unlike you I do not hide) or my many identities online: that will properly "expose" me and my work. A number of github subscribers, none of them who I know. A ton of supportive messages on my personal website. A lot of "thank you"s. Only here on Phoronix do I have no-lifers/no-namers with zero contributions following me and telling the "truth" about me. Absolute disgusting cringe.
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Your last message, tenchrio, is again choke full of half truths and interpretations as well as baseless accusations to fit your vengeful agenda.
But for the love of God, please don't quote me out of context - which is almost the entirety of your post or quotes posted "against" me. I've seen people do this way too much and it only works on the morons who love to be brainwashed. It's amazing I've become so famous because until now I've only seen only famous, rich and important people get this treatment. It's especially popular on X and other social networks.
You could really work in politics or in the media! You can spin absolutely anything to smear anyone. Kudos for that!
And God forbid you mention the insane amount of work that I've done, or that my suggestions and reports have helped improve the Linux kernel, GCC, Wine, KDE, Linux memory management and many other open source projects in major ways. I've had you ignored for months now. I just peeked into this discussion in incognito mode. Not going to do that again.
I'll probably even save this discussion in the web archive, because I wasn't expecting so much high-quality, plausible-looking BS to be thrown at me. Excellent work indeed!
Have a nice day!
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Originally posted by archkde View Post
Yes, I can confirm this
You see, I firmly believe Linux should work for everyone out of the box no matter how you slice or use it.
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Originally posted by avis View Post
Can you confirm or deny that this daemon enables balance_performance mode for 1) desktop PCs/server by default 2) plugged-in laptops? I really really really doubt that.
Because this patch was requested precisely for that. The default performance mode is just an overkill for 99.9% of use cases.
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Originally posted by archkde View Post
I just checked and pretty clean installations Debian testing, Fedora Silverblue, Ubuntu LTS and openSUSE Tumbleweed with some mix of GNOME and KDE all have it by default. So the answer is probably that you don't have it because you're running Xfce. I'm sure they would appreciate your help integrating it.
Because this patch was requested precisely for that. The default performance mode is just an overkill for 99.9% of use cases.
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Originally posted by avis View PostAn amazing amount of half-truths, lies and misrepresentation about what I've been doing.
The first two paragraphs, no citations, nothing.
Also here is when you got temporary banned for the second time when once again spouting your hateful comments in the Steam Hardware Survey results of March.
Originally posted by avis View PostGroundless speculations about me facing multiple bans when in reality the only freedesktop ban was suggested because I pressed for something that results in Linux working properly for all Wayland users something that we still can't enjoy 16 years after its introduction.
But you don't even admit that, you just go "Grrr Wayland devs, I, the great Artem, am right. Linux needs this!!".
I've said it before, if you really are the opensource advocate and mastermind you think you are, fork Wayland and implement what you preach. If it really matters that fork will see success as forks have had in the past. You do know X.org was forked from Xfree86 4 years before Xfree86's last release, right?
Originally posted by avis View PostEvading a ban here on phoenix? LMAO, I've made it perfectly clear who I am from the get go.
Originally posted by avis View PostMichael has ignored birdie for years now, banned him on Phoronix forums a year ago, yet he continues to follow him. That's hilarious and sad at the same time.
Originally posted by avis View PostAnd do you know the reason Michael handed me the harsh treatment? In his words: "His posts receive a large number of complaints". That's it. It wasn't done because I insulted people, trolled or talked shit.
I'll tell you even more. Michael perfectly knows who I am under this new nickname.
Originally posted by avis View PostLater on: a "wrong" bug report as if as a user I must know how window maximization is handled in XFCE/X11. Sorry, I don't, I see it happening under kdocker and not happening otherwise and the developer couldn't even bother to explain why it's happening that way. Maybe there are other similar bug reports where I "wasted developers' time"? You've not provided any.
There is this one for Mangohud where the developer clearly explains he doesn't want an external dependency, yet you keep insisting.
This one where the fix was already merged on Jul 5th yet you made your issue on July 22nd (really good testing, wow).
These 5 are all from this year and there is even more but I have said it before, Brandolini's law is in full effect whenever someone needs to disprove you as the automod tends to hold back my posts after 4 to 5 links. And despite being given evidence with links, all you will just say is "0 eViDeNcE" as per usual without ever addressing any of them in particular, you just ignore it entirely, throw insults and insist you are right because of that one time one of your issues wasn't just marked closed.
Originally posted by avis View PostTrying to "expose" me for filling duplicate bug reports when in reality I just want shit to be paid attention to and fixed and it's my persistence that ultimately results in them being fixed.
With all the free time you have you could have easily learned to code the solution yourself but you don't. I have done this, under my real name (so not about to dox myself like you so desperately want) and it carries quite some points on my resume back when I was looking for a job as a Software Engineer. Googling for you shows that it isn't just Phoronix that you post on, multiple times per day, and always the same vile rhetoric to any community you interact with (e.g. Ars Technica). It's just pathetic, you have all this free time and energy and you waste it on complaining when there is a job you insist that must be done (just apparently not by you, you're more of an "idea guy").
Regardless you are also ignoring the argument that you aren't doing this to improve open source and instead trying to use it as fuel to construe your arguments with ad verecundiam instead of actual evidence. Nowhere is this more clear than your attempts to label yourself as a Linux kernel bugzilla maintainer (I'd call you an "amazing spin doctor" back in kind but it seems like the only person convinced of this lie is yourself. Funny you mention Tucker Carlson as I always saw you as the Glenn Beck of Linux, especially with your wacky conspiracies on how everyone on this site must be the same user as nobody could possibly use Linux as a daily driver according to you).
Not going to bother addressing the rest of the vile and useless post you made, I would like to spend my day on something more productive than debunking the 2086th rant of Bridie/Avis, preferably before I start rivaling him in wasted time.
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Originally posted by avis View PostThen why don't I have it installed by default in Ubuntu LTS, or Fedora?
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