AMD P-State Driver Improvements Getting Ready For Linux 6.14

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67385

    AMD P-State Driver Improvements Getting Ready For Linux 6.14

    Phoronix: AMD P-State Driver Improvements Getting Ready For Linux 6.14

    While Linux 6.13-rc1 was only released this past Sunday and there is around two months to go until the start of the Linux 6.14 kernel cycle, AMD P-State driver improvements are already beginning to collect for this next kernel cycle...

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  • avis
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2022
    • 2267


    There's a massive change that I've recently requested.

    The default power policy has been changed from performance to balance_performance. AMD laptop users in particular will be surprised at how much cooler and quieter their systems are right out of the box.

    cpufreq/amd-pstate: Set different default EPP policy for Epyc and Ryzen
    For Ryzen systems the EPP policy set by the BIOS is generally configured
    to performance as this is the default register value for the CPPC request
    If a user doesn't use additional software to configure EPP then the system
    will default biased towards performance and consume extra battery. Instead
    configure the default to "balanced_performance" for this case.
    Suggested-by: Artem S. Tashkinov
    Reviewed-by: Dhananjay Ugwekar
    Tested-by: Dhananjay Ugwekar
    Closes: [URL][/URL]
    Signed-off-by: Mario Limonciello
    drivers/cpufreq/amd-pstate.c | 10 ++++++----
    1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)​
    While every other Linux fan here thinks "I hate Linux" I continue to do everything to improve it every day.

    Hopefully someone will pick up this mad request some day.


    • Anux
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2021
      • 1960

      Originally posted by avis View Post
      While every other Linux fan here thinks "I hate Linux" I continue to do everything to improve it every day.
      No stop, your hate for free software and linux is already far over the top, no need to "improve" that further.


      • avis
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2022
        • 2267

        I don't understand why people post idiotic comments in response to mine. But then I remember that Linux attracts the most marginal, so it's all fine. You bust your ass trying to fix something and they come at you with insults and raving nonsense.


        • Anux
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2021
          • 1960

          Originally posted by avis View Post
          I don't understand why people post idiotic comments in response to mine.
          In response to your idiotic comments? Because it's funny.
          But then I remember that Linux attracts the most marginal
          I was wondering for a long time what brought you to linux.


          • skeevy420
            Senior Member
            • May 2017
            • 8670

            Originally posted by avis View Post
            I don't understand why people post idiotic comments in response to mine. But then I remember that Linux attracts the most marginal, so it's all fine. You bust your ass trying to fix something and they come at you with insults and raving nonsense.
            Because you like something that they don't like and you're not afraid to say it. Like me, you'll say something like, "NVIDIA and its closed source modules aren't necessarily so bad since they've managed to be cross platform between Linux, BSD, and Windows before AMDGPU was a concept." or "Just because the license isn't GPL compatible doesn't mean that it isn't FOSS."


            • Anux
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2021
              • 1960

              Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post
              Because you like something that they don't like and you're not afraid to say it. Like me, you'll say something like, "NVIDIA and its closed source modules aren't necessarily so bad since they've managed to be cross platform between Linux, BSD, and Windows before AMDGPU was a concept." or "Just because the license isn't GPL compatible doesn't mean that it isn't FOSS."
              No that certainly isn't the reason, what mostly annoys me is that he can't make one post without somehow lashing out against every Linux fan, Linux user or the free software community (they are all this and that). And that he can't admit when he's wrong.

              But it also is my fault to not ignore him, on most devices I have him blocked and only see his post if he gets quoted. Need to block him here too.


              • avis
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2022
                • 2267

                Originally posted by Anux View Post
                No that certainly isn't the reason, what mostly annoys me is that he can't make one post without somehow lashing out against every Linux fan, Linux user or the free software community (they are all this and that). And that he can't admit when he's wrong.

                But it also is my fault to not ignore him, on most devices I have him blocked and only see his post if he gets quoted. Need to block him here too.
                That's because for some reasons mostly Linux fans are so full of toxicity, hatred and animosity. You've earned my full contempt by being evil to anything that's not open source. I've not seen that from the FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD or even HaikuOS communities to this extent.

                I will again remind you that Lennart Poettring received fucking death threats from the Linux community for creating systemd. I won't talk about myself, because my contributions are minor compared to those who actually write software; I've also received death threats from Phoronix readers.

                Some bright Linux fans continue to claim that PulseAudio/PipeWire is unnecessary and it's fine to configure everything ... using .asoundrc.

                Some Linux fans continue to press with zero compatibility between Linux distros and no standardization ever, and as a result making Linux in general horrible to use.

                I know a lot of actually smart people who have stopped developing for Linux after they interacted with the Linux community.

                Any news piece that mentions Microsoft (even if it's about their contributions to Open Source), NVIDIA and other closed source companies has a ton of comments disparaging hard working people who contribute to Open Source.

                And Michael has done exactly nothing to fix that.

                The Linux "community" (more like a cult) is rotten to the core.

                Even here I made AMD change their default power policy which will make countless AMD devices cooler and quieter and what did you say? Did you even thank me? No, another insult and attack.

                One day I will leave Linux as well. Hope you'll be happy among the pure haters most of whom have done absolutely nothing for Linux aside from posting mean comments.
                Last edited by avis; 06 December 2024, 11:14 AM.


                • Anux
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2021
                  • 1960

                  Originally posted by avis View Post
                  ... Linux fans are so full of ...
                  You didn't have to instantly prove my point, most here already know it.
                  One day I will leave Linux as well. Hope you'll be happy among the pure haters most of whom have done absolutely nothing for Linux aside from posting mean comments.
                  I couldn't care less, if you stopped accusing groups for the faults of individuals I would approve that but I have no feelings towards you leaving whatever. My hate is mostly reserved for special people, you would have to do much more than random shit posts on the internet to earn that, at the end it's my fault reading them.


                  • Errinwright
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2023
                    • 189

                    Originally posted by avis View Post
                    I don't understand why people post idiotic comments in response to mine. But then I remember that Linux attracts the most marginal, so it's all fine. You bust your ass trying to fix something and they come at you with insults and raving nonsense.
                    Wasn't that your shtick for the past few years? Don't cry wolf when the tables turn.

