AMD Ryzen 9000 Series Launch Delayed To August

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by LtdJorge View Post
    Disclaimer: I have 60 stocks of AMD and an incredible 5 of TSMC. Also have some S&P500 ETF.
    But I don't sometimes praise AMD because I have AMD. I bought AMD because I think they have the superior roadmap, and that's why I praise them it shows.
    honest people are never a problem and they never cause damange its always only the liars and the unser false flag people who cause damage.

    no one cares if you have nvidia or amd or intel or whatever stock paper it only becomes relevant if you manipulate people to do this and that only to enrich yourself.

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  • LtdJorge
    Originally posted by qarium View Post

    he is clearly paid because he has stock shares of these evil corp companies.
    Disclaimer: I have 60 stocks of AMD and an incredible 5 of TSMC. Also have some S&P500 ETF.

    But I don't sometimes praise AMD because I have AMD. I bought AMD because I think they have the superior roadmap, and that's why I praise them it shows.

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  • LtdJorge
    Originally posted by qarium View Post

    "TR lifespan is abysmal and is overpriced on purpose so people don't buy them."

    i have a threadripper system from 2017 and it works perfect in 2024... thats 7 years ... without any problems.

    the price of threadripper depent on what generation you buy a 2990WX 32core threadripper is 600€ on ebay.
    even that cpu is more than most people need.

    wow as far as i know is not officially on steam so why do you expect any support ?

    subnautica is a nice game my neighbour has it on steam soon i can test it on intel arc A380 and Vega64 and AMD PRO W7900 maybe there will some improvement.

    "(from what I heard privately they're full of driver issues and software support is horrible)"

    i now give you the best advice of your life amd people read in this forum and they tent to fix stuff what people talk about no joke...

    even in 2008-2010 many years ago AMD did multible times even paid codeweavers do fix bugs in wine i reported. AMD has a continuesly deal with codeweavers if you report a bug like: it works on nvidia but not on amd... they pay codeweavers to fix it. ok in 2024 its even valve who will fix it.
    That thing about Subnautica is fake. I replayed it almost entirely and had 0 problems on 7900XTX. Maybe he has a problem with his MESA installation or Proton/DXVK whatever.

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  • LtdJorge
    Originally posted by LtdJorge View Post

    Hey, my other account is not "LtdJorge", it's actually "sophisticles"
    Oops, forgot to change accounts 😜

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  • LtdJorge
    Originally posted by sophisticles View Post
    I wonder who LTDjorge and KDE_FOREVER are?

    I suspect KF is that timphony person or maybe mrs666. maybe jorge too.

    It's too bad there no 2 factor authetication required to post in this forum with a yearly fee, that would eliminate all these losers that have multiple accounts and just post stupid insults.
    Hey, my other account is not "LtdJorge", it's actually "sophisticles"

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by duby229 View Post
    That's not what I said or implied. What I said is that MS is more a data broker now than ever before and getting more so every year. What I implied was that if you think they don't audit their own crash data for their own products then you are mistaken.
    EDIT: None of that is a conspiracy theory...
    EDIT: You just read into a simple statement way more than it said or implied! I didn't suggest they are monetizing anything!
    EDIT: What I suggested is that they care about data! Especially their own data!
    EDIT: If you consider quality control to have monetary value then I guess you could say it has monetary value....
    the word "conspiracy theory" was invented by the CIA to use it in a lie and slander campaign against the smartest individual of a population to make sure the smartest individuals can not wake up the less gifted individuals in a population from their mind-control introduced Matrix like Group-psychosis ...

    this time you duby229 where the smartest individual and you where branded the conspiracy theoriest just to make sure the other people the so called sheep will not listen to you.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by duby229 View Post
    You think it's gone off the deep end to think that MS audits crash data???
    Um, ok...
    EDIT: And in fact you think it's a conspiracy theory? Wow, whatever....
    EDIT: If I have a conspiracy theory, I'll clearly label it as i always have. This isn't one of them.
    duby229 how does it feel to be called conspiracy theorist for something fully justified and fully legitime and fully normal...
    i mean the only possibility for microsoft to NOT audit the crash data would be if microsoft totally reject doing their job at all... and this would only be possible if microsoft goes bankrupt.

    but even then they are to big to fail and governments would save them and the audits of the crash data would continue even if microsoft goes bankrupt.

    but i ask you again... duby229 how does it feel to be called conspiracy theorist ??

    isn't it funny these people do this on me all the time.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by duby229 View Post
    MS has something much more sophisticated I'm sure. MS isn't exactly a software company anymore, they've become a data broker. And crash data is something critically important to them.
    It's exactly one of the use cases that make DRM Panic so important on Linux. It finally gives us an infrastructure to do the same. It's been way past due.
    yes thats really nice. next maybe they should develop a software tool to manage the linux mailing list

    to finally end their culture of managing the linux kernel over email...

    because keep in mind all these DRM panic info does nothing if we have not a automated git based tool to put this data in to then link it to the linux source code...

    with email this will waste a lot of human resources-

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by Doomer
    What are the alternatives then?
    ryzen cpu and amd platforms have been full of issues since zen 1, some aren't even fixed (usb on zen3, still have it on my 5950x), it's the same with epyc (see the uptime hang), same with gpu (still can't play wow or subnautica without driver timeout on a rx7900xt), same with MI200/300 chips (from what I heard privately they're full of driver issues and software support is horrible), TR lifespan is abysmal and is overpriced on purpose so people don't buy them.
    they also seem to care only about epyc/cdna if I go by their linux contributions and by how fast they release fixes for consumer products on windows.
    it's horrible accross the board... sure intel has its load of issues but reliability and software support are usually good except for gen 13 and 14 obviously.
    as much as it hurts me, I can't continue with amd as i can't trust them to fix issues in a timely manner, bugs happen, that's fine but a nearly 2 years old flagship gpu that can't run wow or subnautica? how is this acceptable? I'm sure they moved on to some other projects by now and consider this a 'quirk' of rdna3 just like how they stopped caring about usb on zen 3....
    guess I'll have to go back to intel cpu + nvidia gpu if I want to actually be able to use the hardware that I pay for, I' not really happy about it though, if you have information on how amd is planning to revamp their software development and partner board QA business entities then write it now, convince people that amd isn't just a sloppy company.
    "TR lifespan is abysmal and is overpriced on purpose so people don't buy them."

    i have a threadripper system from 2017 and it works perfect in 2024... thats 7 years ... without any problems.

    the price of threadripper depent on what generation you buy a 2990WX 32core threadripper is 600€ on ebay.
    even that cpu is more than most people need.

    wow as far as i know is not officially on steam so why do you expect any support ?

    subnautica is a nice game my neighbour has it on steam soon i can test it on intel arc A380 and Vega64 and AMD PRO W7900 maybe there will some improvement.

    "(from what I heard privately they're full of driver issues and software support is horrible)"

    i now give you the best advice of your life amd people read in this forum and they tent to fix stuff what people talk about no joke...

    even in 2008-2010 many years ago AMD did multible times even paid codeweavers do fix bugs in wine i reported. AMD has a continuesly deal with codeweavers if you report a bug like: it works on nvidia but not on amd... they pay codeweavers to fix it. ok in 2024 its even valve who will fix it.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by KDE_FOREVER View Post
    your psychiatrist is marking your words very carefully.
    after all, he/she can make career of you
    i am pretty sure sophisticles will be very surprised if he end up in madhouse for life.

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