Originally posted by HEL88
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but yes, thats the way it goes,
e.g. blenderbim
KiCad to Blender
They are a couple of the more popular ones, the mainstay of all of them is still generally MS Excel tho which is why they call me in... sadly. I cant switch most of them to libreoffice until they sort the random number generator out.
Although most of the German government machines are all Linux now, as are several other CEE countries. EU law requires submissions and procurement in open standards. (yes, the EU has basically made buying new windows machines and software like autodesk a crime... lol.)
How much would the equivalent cost from autodesk and why should anyone spend the money on it rather than a fully customised pipeline specific to their needs?
And again, why would you run any of them on a mobile chip like the 7840U (besides wanting to be able to open them on the go)
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