AMD Ryzen 7 7840U Windows 11 vs. Linux CPU Performance

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  • mSparks
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2007
    • 2083

    Originally posted by HEL88 View Post

    61 different programs, and you come up with blender and python.

    well, yeah, because blender was here 6 years ago

    and anything from autodesk can still only dream of a similar pipeline. They waited to long to adapt to market trends and got left behind.

    I wonder how long it took you to realise you couldnt pick the "gotos" like office or photoshop. Bet that was hard on your cognitive dissonance.

    Meanwhile billions of people are using chrome/firefox/vivaldi/brave on linux.

    If you have reasonably high end mobile device sporting Googles linux distribution or iOS you can dock it to turn it into a fairly decent workstation (the role windows used to fill), this benchmark shows that if you need some more heavy lifting and dont want to go for a full fledged linux desktop or mac studio, there isn't anything in this chip that hurts perf on Linux, so OK to buy an OSless laptop with it and install linux.

    61 hardly used, outdated, overpriced products from Autodesk isnt going to save Windows from its current 20% YoY declines.
    Last edited by mSparks; 22 August 2023, 03:05 AM.


    • paulocoghi
      Phoronix Member
      • Jul 2019
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      Originally posted by avis View Post
      The level is so low that I'd rather give you your little trophy. Congratulations on your ad verecundiam arguments


      • avis
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2022
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        Originally posted by paulocoghi View Post

        The level is so low that I'd rather give you your little trophy. Congratulations on your ad verecundiam arguments
        Linux fans are notorious for making it personal when they run out of arguments. So, you've posted literally nothing of essence. Is there anything factual you'd rather add? No? I thought so.


        • HEL88
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2020
          • 412

          Originally posted by mSparks View Post

          well, yeah, because blender was here 6 years ago

          and anything from autodesk can still only dream of a similar pipeline. They waited to long to adapt to market trends and got left behind.

          I wonder how long it took you to realise you couldnt pick the "gotos" like office or photoshop. Bet that was hard on your cognitive dissonance.

          Meanwhile billions of people are using chrome/firefox/vivaldi/brave on linux.

          If you have reasonably high end mobile device sporting Googles linux distribution or iOS you can dock it to turn it into a fairly decent workstation (the role windows used to fill), this benchmark shows that if you need some more heavy lifting and dont want to go for a full fledged linux desktop or mac studio, there isn't anything in this chip that hurts perf on Linux, so OK to buy an OSless laptop with it and install linux.

          61 hardly used, outdated, overpriced products from Autodesk isnt going to save Windows from its current 20% YoY declines.

          Why are you still talking about blender? Only blender and blender.

          In Autosesk, apart from the graphical 3D Studio or Maja, there are 60 other programs covering various fields of engineering and project management in this field.

          Engineering is not only a drawing, but also legal requirements for facilities, taking into account applicable standards, cost estimates, taking into account the business environment - e.g. what types of steel, concrete, composites are available in a given area, what ballasts, in what shapes and with what strength are available steel shapes and at what prices, etc.
          All these parameters and the budget determine the shape of the project.

          And the software, e.g. Civil 3D, is to help you go through the difficult process.

          And you're still talking about one. Blender, blender, blender.

          Meanwhile billions...
          And you forget: 100% top500 works on linux.

          Mate, we talking about GNU/Linux, on desktop, not phone, or anything else.​


          • mSparks
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2007
            • 2083

            Originally posted by HEL88 View Post

            Mate, we talking about GNU/Linux, on desktop, not phone, or anything else.​
            Yeah yeah, if you exclude the fact windows is failing or failed in every single mainstream computing market and sales have been falling 20% year on year for nearly a decade.

            Windows still has some market share, honest to god.


            The AMD 7840U is a low power mobile chip, not a desktop one.
            Originally posted by HEL88 View Post
            And you're still talking about one. Blender, blender, blender. ​
            Because blender and python plugins do everything those multiple expensive autodesk products do.
            And more.
            For free. (although the training and customised workflows aren't)

            Pretty much every civil and electronic engineering company I have worked with has switched to a blender + plugin pipeline in the last 3 or 4 years, most of their staff then switched to mac to escape windows.

            Im sure there are still some hold outs, but no one is starting out with autodesk anymore.
            Originally posted by HEL88 View Post
            Engineering is not only a drawing, but also legal requirements for facilities, taking into account applicable standards, cost estimates, taking into account the business environment - e.g. what types of steel, concrete, composites are available in a given area, what ballasts, in what shapes and with what strength are available steel shapes and at what prices, etc.
            All these parameters and the budget determine the shape of the project.
            which they plugin their existing excel worksheets for that into blender.
            what's your point?
            And what does it have to do with mobile CPU chips like the 7840U?​
            Last edited by mSparks; 22 August 2023, 10:26 AM.


            • HEL88
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2020
              • 412

              Originally posted by mSparks View Post

              Pretty much every civil and electronic engineering company I have worked with has switched to a blender + plugin pipeline in the last 3 or 4 years,
              Wow, now you not only design infrastructure, building etc. in blender, but electronic too!!

              You are funny guy. I've never met a liar like you.

              Then tell us what blender plug-ins contain electronic components, allow for simulation and analysis of electronic circuits, have modules for automatic PCB design support with EMI consideration - that is, such an industry standard. I'm waiting.

              Because there are a lot programs for Windows. Almost nothing form Mac.

              And yes, again there will be companies and programs that have been on the market for several dozen years like Altium Designer , NI Multisim with NI Ultiboard, Allegro Platform, OrCAD etc.

              Last edited by HEL88; 22 August 2023, 12:32 PM.


              • mSparks
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2007
                • 2083

                Originally posted by HEL88 View Post

                Wow, now you not only design infrastructure, building etc. in blender, but electronic too!!
                I dont design any infrastructure, companies I work with do tho, healthcare infrastructure, devices and medicines from Chicago to Jakarta.

                but yes, thats the way it goes,
                e.g. blenderbim

                KiCad to Blender

                They are a couple of the more popular ones, the mainstay of all of them is still generally MS Excel tho which is why they call me in... sadly. I cant switch most of them to libreoffice until they sort the random number generator out.
                Although most of the German government machines are all Linux now, as are several other CEE countries. EU law requires submissions and procurement in open standards. (yes, the EU has basically made buying new windows machines and software like autodesk a crime... lol.)

                How much would the equivalent cost from autodesk and why should anyone spend the money on it rather than a fully customised pipeline specific to their needs?

                And again, why would you run any of them on a mobile chip like the 7840U (besides wanting to be able to open them on the go)
                Last edited by mSparks; 22 August 2023, 02:11 PM.

