OpenBLAS 0.3.20 Adds Support For Russia's Elbrus E2000, Arm Neoverse N2/V1 CPUs

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  • novideo
    Phoronix Member
    • Apr 2021
    • 85

    Originally posted by tomas View Post

    I don't know what you are trying to pull here, but the undisputed fact is that the Budapest Memorandum from 1994 has been signed by Russia, and thereby ratified:

    "ratify - sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid."
    ratification is not the same thing as signing, usually documents are signed by a diplomat, then follow internal procedures for ratification, like being approved by parliament. According to the U.S., the memorandum is not legally binding:
    The reality is that it is Russia that is the aggressor here and in the wrong.
    You have many fellow Russians that don't buy in to the Kremlin and Putin propaganda.
    I'm sorry to see you are not one of them, but it's never too late to change.
    most supported taking back crimea, but not fully invading ukraine. most don't think it will happen.
    Last edited by novideo; 10 June 2023, 07:55 PM.


    • brucethemoose
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2021
      • 548

      Originally posted by ldesnogu View Post

      general: some code cleanup, with added casts etc. fixed obtaining the cpu count with OpenMP and OMP_PROC_BIND unset fixed pivot index calculation by ?LASWP for negative increments other than one f...
      Thats interesting as well. It means they support SVE1 AND SVE2.

      ARMV9 has the potential to be an compute monster. All it needs is some more wide implementations and more hand tuned simd in major libraries like this.


      • mSparks
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2007
        • 2099

        Originally posted by Khrundel View Post
        VLIW requires deterministic environment and that is why it sucks so hard.
        Deterministic behaviour is the #1 requirement of real time systems, which is vital part of the spec in military and aviation systems.
        Non deterministic behaviour has its uses to, but its absolute nonsense to say that being deterministic makes it suck.

        and no, caches don't help, because cache misses can be literally life threatening in RT systems.


        • aht0
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2016
          • 2206

          Originally posted by Setif View Post
          You forgot that USA and its allies killed thousands innocent people in Japan, Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine (still).
          Kind of childish to use that as a justification for someone else to do that. And while US and it's allies pay at least lip service to civilian casualties, Russians absolutely do not seem to care when they do bomb some hospital, kindergarten or city block into oblivion..
          For that matter Communism has globally caused the death of anywhere between 60-100 million people. Untold misery..

          In fact in Syria Russian AF seemed to often deliberately targeting civilian objects, while shrugging and dishing out denials. For example (which is showing just few such out of thousands of such incidents)

          Identical behaviour could be observed in both Chechen wars, Afghanistan war or in recent conflict in Ukraine.
          Last edited by aht0; 22 February 2022, 02:25 PM.


          • mSparks
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2007
            • 2099

            Originally posted by aht0 View Post
            Kind of childish to use that as a justification for someone else to do that.
            Who is this "else" you speak of?
            Are you really drawing a parallel between the threat of doing something and actually doing it?

            Originally posted by aht0 View Post
            Russians absolutely do not seem to care when they do bomb some hospital, kindergarten or city block into oblivion..
            For that matter Communism has globally caused the death of anywhere between 60-100 million people. Untold misery..

            In fact in Syria Russian AF seemed to often deliberately targeting civilian objects, while shrugging and dishing out denials. For example (which is showing just few such out of thousands of such incidents)

            Identical behaviour could be observed in both Chechen wars, Afghanistan war or in recent conflict in Ukraine.
            Ill listen to the rest of this when you explain to me in a rational way what they are actually fighting over.
            Because from where I stand, Russia supports the Taliban and the US and UK make them out to be demons.


            • tuxd3v
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2014
              • 1731

              When will Elbrus 16S be available?
              I know that there are already samples, but I mean production?it will be e2Kv6 right(since elbrus 8SV is e2Kv5)

              And what about the supercomputing monster...yes the multiclet S2( with theoretical performance of 81.9Tfps)?
              Will be there any chance of turning it in a general purpose CPU, or will only be for computing purposes, a GPU made with it could be possible no?


              • mSparks
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2007
                • 2099

                Originally posted by tuxd3v View Post
                When will Elbrus 16S be available?
                I know that there are already samples, but I mean production?it will be e2Kv6 right(since elbrus 8SV is e2Kv5)

                And what about the supercomputing monster...yes the multiclet S2( with theoretical performance of 81.9Tfps)?
                Will be there any chance of turning it in a general purpose CPU, or will only be for computing purposes, a GPU made with it could be possible no?
                According to this

                The first 100 devkits have already shipped and they are expecting this year for mass production.


                • tuxd3v
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2014
                  • 1731

                  Originally posted by mSparks View Post
                  According to this

                  The first 100 devkits have already shipped and they are expecting this year for mass production.
                  The unique experience I had with VLIW was in a 4 node Itanium system running HPUX and informix.. the system worked very well.. but the Itanium never took off, massively speaking..
                  It was a challenge to x86 dominance and created a monopoly that only Intel was part of it, and not many companies adopted it, but it seemed to be a very good idea..


                  • mSparks
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 2099

                    Originally posted by tuxd3v View Post
                    The unique experience I had with VLIW was in a 4 node Itanium system running HPUX and informix.. the system worked very well.. but the Itanium never took off, massively speaking..
                    It was a challenge to x86 dominance and created a monopoly that only Intel was part of it, and not many companies adopted it, but it seemed to be a very good idea..
                    I wouldn't claim to know much detail, but isn't the new M1 actually using a similar tech to get its absolutely insane performance?


                    • aht0
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2016
                      • 2206

                      Originally posted by mSparks View Post
                      Ill listen to the rest of this when you explain to me in a rational way what they are actually fighting over.
                      Because from where I stand, Russia supports the Taliban and the US and UK make them out to be demons.
                      What they are fighting over?

                      Russia in the person of Putin is trying to revive old corpse of the Soviet Union crossed with Czarist Russian Empire, called "Union State", which just have have all major Slavic nations in it. Need to get old provinces back somehow.. war and conquest works. Belarus was recently blackmailed into it.
                      Baltic states, Finland and Poland are tougher nuts, because they either are under umbrella of the NATO and/or have sizable army of their own (Finland), people willing to fight and terrain pretty bad for Russian basic doctrine.

                      Ukraine in NATO and EU would eventually threaten political legitimacy of Putin's rule in Russia itself. Because invariably citizen's quality of life in such Ukraine would surpass that of Russian citizen's and that would seriously hurt Putin's claim to power. Because suddenly common Russian would get an idea that HE/SHE could live equally well.. if it wasnt for that Putin.
                      Ukrainians and Russians are related, many have relatives on either side, despite official propaganda, true news pass along as well.

                      To top the cake, Russia would very much hate to have another NATO country next to it's borders. Also Ukraine has some military industry Russia would like to have for its own (missile factory, shipbuilding plant for large oceangoing vessel, stuff like that). Strong Ukraine in NATO would also worsen future Russian prospects of successful quick wars against any of it's smaller neighbors.

                      Putin thus has strong motivation to go into war against Ukraine..

