AMD Please don't follow intels route...
I would even buy 2-3 generation old hardware to avoid this "big.little" bullshit in my computers.
I really really don't get all this bullshit technology they sell "snake oil" i don't even see a reason for DDR5 its "snake oil" you pay high price and the result is very very small.
many of these bullshit technologies are only around because of the lag of competition in the market,
for example """Hyperthreading""" in Desktop and Gaming its hard to fill 16 real cores and hyperthreading result in bad latency in games and the threading overhead is so big that you get 5% higher game performance if you disable hyperthreading.
AMD and Intel and even IBM does this because their server customers like it ,,,
on Desktop/Gaming it is snake oil you did not want. it has some reason for single-core/dualcore/quatcore cpus because you could easily generate more threats to feet it to the cpu... but with 12/16 cores it is the situation that games and other desktop apps can not fill all the 16 threats... in this cases hyperthreading is a loss.
its a lag of competition in the market if there would only be one single X86_64 competitor who does 16cores without hyperthreading i am sure they would sell a lot of chips.
they claim there is no market demand for cpus without hyperthreading because you can disable it in bios... o well yes you can disable it but you already paid the transistors.
i really don't know whats wrong with this world every company puts in stuff the people don't want...
IBM puts in closed source firmware for ram and PCIE5.0
intel puts in "big.little" bullshit design and build in more intel ME trojan horses than the people can imagine...
even AMD will end up implement bullshit like DDR5 and the people wonder why the price is high but the result is low compared to what you expect in price.
AMD Please don't follow intels route...
I would even buy 2-3 generation old hardware to avoid this "big.little" bullshit in my computers.
I really really don't get all this bullshit technology they sell "snake oil" i don't even see a reason for DDR5 its "snake oil" you pay high price and the result is very very small.
many of these bullshit technologies are only around because of the lag of competition in the market,
for example """Hyperthreading""" in Desktop and Gaming its hard to fill 16 real cores and hyperthreading result in bad latency in games and the threading overhead is so big that you get 5% higher game performance if you disable hyperthreading.
AMD and Intel and even IBM does this because their server customers like it ,,,
on Desktop/Gaming it is snake oil you did not want. it has some reason for single-core/dualcore/quatcore cpus because you could easily generate more threats to feet it to the cpu... but with 12/16 cores it is the situation that games and other desktop apps can not fill all the 16 threats... in this cases hyperthreading is a loss.
its a lag of competition in the market if there would only be one single X86_64 competitor who does 16cores without hyperthreading i am sure they would sell a lot of chips.
they claim there is no market demand for cpus without hyperthreading because you can disable it in bios... o well yes you can disable it but you already paid the transistors.
i really don't know whats wrong with this world every company puts in stuff the people don't want...
IBM puts in closed source firmware for ram and PCIE5.0
intel puts in "big.little" bullshit design and build in more intel ME trojan horses than the people can imagine...
even AMD will end up implement bullshit like DDR5 and the people wonder why the price is high but the result is low compared to what you expect in price.