AMD Ryzen 5000 Temperature Monitoring Support Sent In For Linux 5.12

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  • creative
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 870

    Originally posted by fafreeman View Post
    it really doesn't matter if its high end or low end cpu. the problem is on linux if you buy any new piece (and at this point its getting to even older stuff now as time goes on) of hardware, you don't have access to the tools to do basic troubleshooting and monitoring to test it to make sure its stable. you can't monitor most things to make sure things are running as they should. like running burning hot stress tests and monitoring temps, voltages, fan speeds, power consumption, vrms, etc. you can't monitor c-state behavior, you can't monitor power saving if you have that enabled, you can't monitor ANY of that basic stuff on most hardware these days on linux.

    you don't even have basic OS level bios controlling software either. which makes linux pretty lakluster for extreme overclockers IF linux even had some of the extreme overclocking benchmark suites. which really sucks because linux technically would be the best possible OS to use for extreme overclocking. compared to bloat hog Windows 10.

    its really not ok at all and its really frustrating. i myself reinstalled Windows 10 on a spare SSD to test out my 6900 xt to make sure it was truly stable at stock because on linux we simply don't have everything (like 3dmark and i found out on windows, the VRS tier 1 test (tier 2 works fine though) is completely broken on rdna 2 and reported it to amd). its how i found out my 6900 xt has vrm temperature sensors and a few other things that's not exposed on linux. my 6900 xt is a amd manufactured reference card -_-
    Do what you need to do. Been using linux since 2001, thats where I admt a lot of stuff is not up to snuff but that does not keep me from using and enjoying it.

    It is not for everone.

    Maybe try back in about six months to a year. or you could monitor your stuff in windows for a while and make sure everything is running ok and just go back to linux and live your life.

    There is nothing wrong with running Windows, its just not my thing.


    • creative
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2017
      • 870


      That 6900 XT is a rediculously capable card. A 1440p144hz+ card that will last you longer than you actually want. Most likely will eventually match or exceed th RTX 3090 if AMD continues the trend of improving drivers like they did for the older RX series like the 580.

      I have yet to upgrade my GTX [email protected] honestly I would have to upgrade my display to 1440p@144+ even if I had a 5700 XT or RX 6800, I'm holding out for a while until something like either one of those cards gets really accessible at non-insane prices.
      Last edited by creative; 17 February 2021, 08:39 AM.


      • DRanged
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2017
        • 146

        Originally posted by SilverFox
        A little off topic, But i just bought a 5600xt and i will be getting a new mobo soon. In reflection to the temp issue can anyone recommend a mobo that all/most sensors are picked up?
        Go for an ASUS or ASRock board. MSI is crap with sensors, see OpenRGB whare they have switch off all MSI support. I myself have a Ryzen 5 3600 and use zenpower to see my sensors, voltage, wattage and so. I have a MSI B550-A Pro and I am unable to see fanspeeds etc. In the coming week I'll change the board to my old ASRock X470 Master SLI as that reported the fanspeeds and the rest.

        Adapter: PCI adapter
        SVI2_Core: 938.00 mV
        SVI2_SoC: 1.09 V
        Tdie: +28.2°C (high = +95.0°C)
        Tctl: +28.2°C
        Tccd1: +27.5°C
        SVI2_P_Core: 2.47 W
        SVI2_P_SoC: 12.88 W
        SVI2_C_Core: 2.63 A
        SVI2_C_SoC: 11.77 A
        Last edited by DRanged; 15 March 2021, 05:52 PM.


        • Keith Myers
          Phoronix Member
          • Nov 2018
          • 98

          It's a shame that Linux does not have the power and temperature monitoring capabilities out of the box equivalent to Windows.

          Thank goodness, out of tree drivers like zenpower and apps like zenmonitor have been developed to bridge the lack of information that Linux imposes on AMD cpus.

          Both are working for me quite well on my Zen 2 and Rome processors which run 24/7 at full load. Nice to know that I don't have to constantly monitor them for out of bounds temp and power excursions that would either produce invalid results or crashes of the systems.

