Ubuntu flash-kernel Package Looks To Drop Support For Old ARM Hardware

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  • shtripok
    Originally posted by Raka555 View Post
    They should bring in a law where a manufacturer have to opensource the device when they end of life it ...
    For some time now, approximately every single kommercial ship has been owned by more than one of the major ship-owning firms, along with hundreds of other ships. No, a separate company is created for each ship.

    After the introduction of your offer, so will the equipment manufacturers: each new model will be sold by a separate company. Which will be eliminated on the day of the end of product support.

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  • Raka555
    They should bring in a law where a manufacturer have to opensource the device when they end of life it ...

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  • schmidtbag
    Snapdragon 835 was a joke of a platform and will keep me from buying Qualcomm again. Lots of potential that was ruined by MS's meddling.

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  • Ubuntu flash-kernel Package Looks To Drop Support For Old ARM Hardware

    Phoronix: Ubuntu flash-kernel Package Looks To Drop Support For Old ARM Hardware

    The flash-kernel package is used for putting the Linux kernel image and initramfs in the boot location for embedded devices that aren't able to boot directly from /boot. The flash-kernel package is particularly important for older ARM hardware while now Ubuntu maintainers are looking at dropping patches they currently carry for a number of aging ARM platforms...

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