Mantle isn't an OpenGL alternative.
Mantle will be a set of frameworks to encapsulate specific parts of their Hardware via API calls, while in conjunction to interfacing with OpenGL and OpenCL. Are people truly that dense to think it's a replacement? It'll be an API that supports DirectX, OpenGL, OpenCL, not to mention other stuff by accessing the most common APIs without having to directly write strictly in each.
Sorry, but AMD did a truly piss poor job discussing Mantle. I took it as a sound set of APIs to access assembly calls in C/C++ [most likely C++].
AMD is fully committed to OpenGL and OpenCL moving forward. This Mantle opens up access to hardware level optimizations.
Mantle will be a set of frameworks to encapsulate specific parts of their Hardware via API calls, while in conjunction to interfacing with OpenGL and OpenCL. Are people truly that dense to think it's a replacement? It'll be an API that supports DirectX, OpenGL, OpenCL, not to mention other stuff by accessing the most common APIs without having to directly write strictly in each.
Sorry, but AMD did a truly piss poor job discussing Mantle. I took it as a sound set of APIs to access assembly calls in C/C++ [most likely C++].
AMD is fully committed to OpenGL and OpenCL moving forward. This Mantle opens up access to hardware level optimizations.