Warning: Nvidia 8xxx series not ready for Linux

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  • pingouin
    Junior Member
    • May 2007
    • 27


    I just received an ASUS-EN8800 Ultra.
    After several days of Quake 4/ Unreal 2004 / Blender / and some emulated games. I have no troubles.

    Q4/UT2K4 works perfectly, with lots of high options on.
    All i can say is : perfect ! Hope nvidia drivers will get better and better in soon future.

    The card is BIG, you need a big case to insert it in. I had to move up some hards drives to let it fit in my case. 2 pcie (6 points) connectors for power it needed.

    Motherboard : Asus P5N-E SLI.
    Debian/Etch : Both 32bit version / AM64 bits version.
    Kernel : Own build

    here is some screenshots.


    • d2kx
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 2311

      Nice card you have

      I am planning on upgrading my Athlon 64 Venice to a Phenom X4 at christmas and my X1900 XT 512 to a X3*** in 2008.

      And you have one unread private message


      • pingouin
        Junior Member
        • May 2007
        • 27

        Originally posted by d2kx View Post

        And you have one unread private message
        Oh yeah ! Ah Ah Ah... you right !



        • Gazzonyx
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2007
          • 3


          Originally posted by Throwing Strikes View Post
          Hello Gazzonyx, I've never played with Solaris before. To get my 8800 working in Linux I had to change a boot setting (VGA=Normal) to get rid of the nasty bugs people are talking about with this card under Linux. So I'm not sure what you would have to change/do to get this card working if anything at all under Solaris.
          I ended up getting a GeForce 8500 GT; the driver update was flawless and it runs fine under Solaris Express Developer edition build 68 - it's probably better under build 69 now that it's out. Sorry it took me a month to get back to this thread, I'm still setting up NFS as I have cash and time.


          • Throwing Strikes
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2007
            • 31

            Originally posted by Gazzonyx View Post
            I ended up getting a GeForce 8500 GT; the driver update was flawless and it runs fine under Solaris Express Developer edition build 68 - it's probably better under build 69 now that it's out. Sorry it took me a month to get back to this thread, I'm still setting up NFS as I have cash and time.

            Thats good to hear. I need to try Solaris sometime.

            I also did some reading and some gut feeling tests. I found the Nv Driver 9755 to be faster on Linux than the 100 series drivers. Like people have been claiming on the NV forums. I don't know if this affects Solaris but I'm sure it would be worth your time to try out the 9755 driver if you haven't done so already or wait/hope that Nvidia will fix this performance regression in the next driver release.


            • rpoffenbarger
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2007
              • 1

              Smooth as Silk

              I just had to reply...
              Ive been hesitant to make the switch for windoze to linux for many years now as driver support for hardware is sometimes iffy...thats the price we don't pay...
              Im very new to linux

              Anyway I've about had it with spending my bucks on MS software and not being able to put it on hardware where it belongs, so did this...

              Quad Core Q6600 on an nvidia 680i Motherboard
              2 GB SLI ready OCZ 800 MHZ RAM
              2 Geforce 8600 GT 512 DDR3 cards in SLI mode.
              The point is not to brad about the spec, but to illustrate that is bleeding edge...

              installed opensuse 10.3...(smooth distro) to find upon reboot complete blackness...

              Was I doomed to windows ? (I had indeed set up triple booting OS's {xp,vista,and linux} since I do support...and windows will always need support). Instead utilized some patience, and did some reading...

              set up the repository to the nvidia driver, throttled down to runlevel three, installed the driver, and voila...still blackness...more ...poop too.

              Anyway reading the logs...its seems that SaX, assigns the device in xorg.conf to the secondary card and not the primary one...a simple change from 3:0:0 to 1:0:0 has the whole thing humming smoothly along...Compiz-fusion is the hottest bleeding edge graphics engine Ive used, and this OS is as stable as any Ive ever used...


              • Ole-Martin Broz
                Phoronix Member
                • Sep 2007
                • 63


                My lil bro got a 8400 M work pretty well, except alot. xD

                Compiz does work.

                Ati is safe to buy i got 2900 XT running smooth in anything, except compiz. (aTM)

                Im planning 4x hd3870 =)


                • SamsLembas
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 8

                  My GeForce 8600 has not given me a single problem in Linux. Ubuntu Gusty got the proprietary drivers going for me, and I have not had to think about it since then. I have been able to play Enemy Territory: Quake Wars with maxed out settings without a single graphics card related problem.


                  • err0r
                    Junior Member
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 2

                    I have a Asus EN8800 GTS with the same UT2004 FPS Performance in Linux(driver 100.14.19, Kernel 2.21) like in Win XP.
                    I will try it soon with Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.


                    • nbound
                      Junior Member
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 2

                      I haven't had a single problem using my 8600GTS, running ubuntu, installed with Envy script.

