Originally posted by sbivol
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And what error did Michael even get? I can find no issue on the issue tracker of HIP-RT not working for Linux, there are issues related to rendering volumetric objects but none of the Benchmarks in the article make use of this. There is no way around it but to call it what it is, this is a rushed article and one that obviously favors Nvidia.
There is also the matter of Fishy Cat being present but no mention on whether or not GPU Compositing was used. I've detailed before in a comment on the Blender 4.2 release how GPU composite reduced the time to 2/3th of what it originally was, even using Fishy Cat as the example as it has quite the compositing setup but every node is compatible with GPU compositing, what I don't know is if this differs all that much between AMD and Nvidia. GPU compositing is done through Vulkan, so Optix/HIP-RT won't matter, but the cards Vulkan capabilities will and we've seen cases where AMD manages to gain victories because they put more work in there (still doubt it will here but it might have some effect on the gap).
Speaking of Vulkan, where are the Eevee(-rt) benchmarks? How many more movies have to release with Eevee like the recent Gints Zilbalodis's Flow before Eevee is included in Blender benchmarking by tech journalists? Hollywood is already abandoning offline-type rendering engines like Cycles for Real Time render engines like Lumen in a multitude of shows, with Eevee(-next) being the Blender Foundation's real-time attempt to keep rendering in Blender.
We have artists like Worthikids and Dedouze sticking to Eevee and using a blend of traditional animation with 3D environments creating very distinct styles and gaining quite some popularity and yet despite that every article on Blender performance must stick to Cycles and only Cycles and to really piss me off call it "Blender Performance", a lot of GPU accelerated parts of Blender do not rely on HIP and CUDA.
in the upper echelons of the industry they don't use Cycles but generally any type of Universal Screen Descriptor workflow which tends to be executed with render engines that are almost entirely CPU based (e.g. Pixar's Renderman, Dreamwork's MoonRay), what matters in programs like Blender here is viewport performance (so Workbench) and basic output with something like Hydra Storm, the 4th Blender native render engine, nothing in that process relies on CUDA or HIP, hell even on the independent creator side this can ring true, neither Worthikids or Dedouze use Cycles for their work flow so why is Cycles constantly shoved forwards as if it is the be all and end all for Blender Performance? Because honestly it seems like the answer is that it's because it tends to heavily favor Nvidia, and skews the perspective so it seems like only Nvidia is viable for Blender workflows while in reality those workflows vary and in some of them Cuda and HIP hold 0 relevance.