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AMD Posts Open-Source Driver Patches For Vega 12

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Drago View Post
    What a Vega MESS. Couldn't AMD come up with something less confusing, kinda Ryzen-Zen.

    In any case 60 000 lines of code for just one variant for just one chip. I wonder when Linux developers will say enough is enough. I guess in the future there will be different git repos for each kernel sub tree, and make install will download selectively depending on the kernel compile configuration.
    i wonder when you will stop posting bullshit


    • #32
      Originally posted by rubdos View Post
      I wonder though; can't those generated headers be generated at kernel make/compile time? Seems kinda stupid to put generated code in the tree, esp. when it's that large.

      otoh: I love overengineering build systems, so it might just be an itch I'm having.
      they are generated not from random numbers, you will have to put 60k lines of what they are generated from into kernel and do stupid work during build for no reason


      • #33
        Originally posted by valici View Post
        And COINCIDENTALLY has exactly 5 SKUs?
        5 cpu skus but only 2 vega skus


        • #34
          It isn't APU, nor mobile... hm, could be card or PX. Yeah, sounds like PX some Topaz succesor

          edit: OK, isn't PX... didn't looked at code before really
          Last edited by dungeon; 22 March 2018, 08:09 AM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by valici View Post
            OK, so according to this, Vega12 is just a FirePro Workstation card. Not really exciting. Vega11 is also similar.

            that could just be one of the vega 12 SKU's - it would make sense for Instinct/Workstation/Rx Vega to all make an appearance for this chip. same again with the Vega11


            • #36
              Originally posted by FirstPersonBSOD View Post

              It's probably for the successor to Polaris 10/RX580.
              RX580 is Polaris 20 XTX (Ellesmere XTX).

