Zink OpenGL-On-Vulkan vs. RadeonSI OpenGL Performance As Of January 2021

Written by Michael Larabel in Display Drivers on 22 January 2021 at 03:47 PM EST. Page 4 of 5. 29 Comments.
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January

The basic GLMark2 test case showed the Zink performance at a small fraction of the RadeonSI Gallium3D performance.

Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January

For the GpuTest tech demo test cases that did run on Zink, they often were severely limited with the exception of the pixmark tests.

Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January
Zink Mesa 21.1-dev Test January

Basemark was unable to run on Zink at this time.

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