13-Way IBM POWER9 Talos II vs. Intel Xeon vs. AMD Linux Benchmarks On Debian

Written by Michael Larabel in Processors on 25 June 2018 at 11:47 AM EDT. Page 5 of 6. 68 Comments.
POWER9 vs. Intel Xeon vs. AMD EPYC Linux Benchmarks

The SciKit-Learn performance could also be better improved for POWER9, possibly via further software optimizations.

POWER9 vs. Intel Xeon vs. AMD EPYC Linux Benchmarks

The Tinymembench performance on POWER9 was looking good for memory copy speed.

POWER9 vs. Intel Xeon vs. AMD EPYC Linux Benchmarks
POWER9 vs. Intel Xeon vs. AMD EPYC Linux Benchmarks

The Blender 3D modeling performance on the CPU also leaves more room for optimization on the POWER9 front.

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