Intel Linux Graphics On Ubuntu Still Flaky

Written by Michael Larabel in Display Drivers on 31 July 2009 at 02:00 AM EDT. Page 2 of 4. 42 Comments.

Starting off by testing the GtkComboBox widget performance, Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 3 lost by a noticeable margin as it took longer for the Karmic Koala to complete the test runs. It took 59 seconds under Ubuntu 9.04, but 69 seconds for Ubuntu 9.10.

Another loss for Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 3 of 12 seconds versus 14 seconds occurred with the GtkCheckButton performance.

In our third GtkPerf test, Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 3 with its Intel UXA stack continued to lose. With the GtkDrawingArea Pixbufs performance, Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 3 was 42% slower than Ubuntu 9.04, which was already running much slower and less stable than Ubuntu 8.10.

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