What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 2]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 30 October 2011 at 03:30 AM EDT. Page 8 of 10. 15 Comments.

1701: Bring back the old Gnome 2.x login manager (GDM); get rid of that ridiculous windows-style user selection. It's bad for security and forces me to use my mouse before the desktop loads.

Restore the customizability and options present in Gnome 2.x to Gnome 3. I realize this is a long process, but I question the decision to release Gnome 3 without even the most basic options for many features.

Clean up Nautilus, I've been using Thunar for some time now, and it's much more reliable and more responsive than Nautilus ever was.

1702: 1) More options.
2) No need to hold keys down to see options (like shutting down the computer)
3) Less dependencies

1703: The whole concept of multitasking has been removed from gnome. put it back.

1704: 1. More advanced settings: Just to change the theme I have to install gnome-tweak-tool or mess around with gconf-editor. There is an option to change the wallpaper, but it doesn't work (I installed it on Arch Linux). Advanced settings must be accessible too in the System Settings, perhaps under 'advanced options' or something similar.

2. Window management: The current window management is a good concept which could actually be usable and enjoyable at the same time, but right now I find it unproductive, although pretty.

3. Window compositing: if possible, suspending the WM composition (like the Ctrl+Shift+F12 on KDE) would be great as it often slows down some applications, especially fullscreen applications (maybe an option to suspend composition while fullscreen?)

GNOME3 is _the_ DE I wish I could like, but how hard I try, i just can't. Tweaking it requires a lot of work and frustration, the desktop effects slows everything too much down and I feel like using an alpha software even with GNOME3.2. I think the GNOME must focus much harder on general usability on desktops and laptops instead of turning it into an OS tailored for tablets.

1705: Add more options to customize GNOME.
Revert the change to bring maximize and minimize window buttons back.
Bring back traditional gnome menu for quick application access.

1706: KDE is much prettier, but GNOME has the functionality and ease of use. I used to use Kubuntu, but after the "new" KDE emerged I was forced to go to Gnome. I like the simplicity, and I like that I don't have to understand any new "concepts" coming from Windows & KDE.

1707: i can understand some of the design choices but gnome has increasingly taken away control and customization options from the users, especially the power users.
comments/replies of why don't you submit a patch yourself, or more derogatory statements from the community are supremely unhelpful and offensive.
i believe gnome is increasingly alienating the tech userbase by emulating choices or at least echoing of big companies.
i don't want a tablet/smartphone interface for my desktop. why save space when desktop screens are big and a lot of some people even adopt 2-3 monitor setups. (more specialized i know and not all that common in the general user group)

it might be more intuitive but it's more time and resource consuming. it's designing for the dumbest denominator nowadays.

1708: 1. My next computer will have touch, and I'll want to take advantage of that. Unity seems like a step in the right direction, but it has so many downsides that I simply can't use it. That isn't a matter of taste, it's a matter of functionality. GNOME 3.x needs to be just as functional as 2.x, that's really important to me. I'll learn anything new, but all the things I used to do in 2.x must be equal or better in 3.x.

2. It would be nice if getting access to frequently-used devices and apps such as mounted disks, printers, etc. were just a simple keystroke/gesture away, BY DEFAULT. I really don't like having to define custom keyboard shortcuts for needs that surely must be completely ubiquitous.

3. It's really, really hard to write good documentation. Keep working on that. Especially documentation on settings.

I love the stability of GNOME. That's a great quality, and one that speaks well for the development team.

1709: Remember window size and position of closed applications
include an adaptive keystroke launcher
Have the window buttons (close, minimize maximaize) in that order (similar to OSX) when they are on the left.

See #22 above.

1710: Window management
introducing more features to the file manager
Making the user interface not so dumb

Stop dumbing down the UI.

1711: Restore options; I *like* flexibility.

Get rid of the "Maximized Windows" mentality. I don't run a netbook.

Restore my multi-monitor configuration so it works reliably again.

Allow use of a *proper* GNOME 2.x style desktop again.

1712: Leave it the way it is, make it more responsive.

1713: GNOME 3:
A proper panel + widget system
GTK theme selection and gnome-shell extension GUI
Full Compiz support

Switch back to system() in alt-f2 dialog

I am one of many who will complain of a heavy dissatisfaction with GNOME 3. My answers above are based on GNOME 2 which I switched back to after piloting Fedora 15/GNOME 3 for three weeks as my main desktop OS. I couldn't stand it. My primary gripes are:

- No panel widgets, no customization ability for layout
- No easy way to change GTK+ theme
- Lack of compiz support, forcing us into Mutter. I have Compiz set up exactly the way I want it: a modest amount of eye candy, a button on my mouse that triggers that Scale plugin, four cube faces, and an elegant, dark, square window border theme.

Once these are satisfied I will come up to the times.

1714: Go back to Gnome 2.x. I find Gnome 3 unusable, slow, inefficient. It seems to be a complete overhaul of Gnome 2 without any obvious or easily-discoverable benefits. I am a power user. I find Gnome 3 completely inhibits my ability to use the computer efficiently. I feel like I am on a Windows machine.

I don't have any useful comments. I hope you will continue maintaining Gnome 2.

1715: Lower memory usage. Lower overall footprint. That's it.

I switched from Unity back to Gnome 2 because of ease of use, and Gnome's better use of resources. I now use Linux Mint 11 with Gnome 2 and have absolutely no desire to "move on" to Gnome 3. I don't want a better looking desktop at the expense of performance.

1716: 1.) Configuration options are often nonexistent or terribly obscured.
2.) There is no screensaver in GNOME 3. All I want is to have a nice picture slideshow!
3.) Again: configuration options are often nonexistent or terribly obscured.

I would love to upgrade to GNOME 3, but I cannot customize it to fit my work flow. I understand that adding options/customization causes many problems, but I hope that as the project matures this will happen. Best of luck, and thanks for working so hard on GNOME!

1717: Keep it simple.
Avoid adding bloat to keep up with Mac/Win.
Smaller is better.

1718: Amount of mouse movement required to open programs and virtual desktop windows.

Difficulty in having multiple copies of the same program running in separate windows (terminal windows and web browsers in particular)

Return applets

The 3.0 has been a real disappointment to me. My normal usage is dual monitors with 4 virtual desktops, each desktop having windows open for a different aspect of my job. 3.0 makes switching between different virtual desktops a huge chore. 3.0 makes having multiple console windows open side by side a huge chore. Lack of applet support makes some repetitive tasks difficult.

I've switched away from Fedora as my working distribution because it makes my normal day to day work so painful.

While I think that the changes made to the GNOME interface might be good for casual users, or users who only run one task at a time, it is a disaster for people trying to use the desktop for serious work.

1719: Make the launcher more configurable
Make windows easier to resize, I don't like the full screen maximize at all.
The launcher seems to always be in my way no matter what I am doing.

1720: Since recently I've had to switch to unity, because the application list loaded so horribly slow, it even froze the computer a couple of times. So, number one would be performance. Running audio recording software, performance is very high on the list. Whenever I switch to the Gnome shell I get xruns, on the other hand, the same happens with unity. But it definitely is a sign that performance is an issue here.

Secondly, pressing alt to get to the shut down button.. please... hardly easy, certainly without getting any hints through a tool tip or something to guide the user to this. Once you know it, ok... but older people for example have a real hard time to remember all those buttons, and this one they'll surely forget. I used to be so proud even my mother could handle linux. Now I'm not upgrading, because of too much change, like this 'alt' to shut down.

Thirdly, bring back the minimize button. It might be not the philosophy of the new Gnome, but it is an absolute mistake having it removed. It really confuses huge amounts of people, and it is not efficient at all, even for me, being a linux user for six years. It's simply impossible to handle several windows in an efficient way without the possibility to minimize.

Comment 1 : Listen to the users.
Comment 2 : Make the new Gnome as customizable as possible. This has been the reason for me to use Gnome in the past, it is part of the linux experience in general, freedom and the possibility to change your own desktop in whatever you want. So make it easy for the user to change it too, without having to hack in the system.

1721: Make Gnome 2.x's configuration an easy to select option with Gnome 3.x. Gnome 3 interferes with my workflow.

Better documentation.

Better system integration.

Gnome 2 is dead. The least you could do was create a migrational option to allow the old desktop to be used if the user didn't want your stinking Gnome Shell.

1722: I would love to see the GNOME 3 style enhancements brought to a more Gnome 2.x environment. Many of the changes they made I do like (visual ones) but the functionality ones really break it for me. I need the regular task bars on the top and bottom that let me select windows, place widget, etc... Bring some of that classic window manager functionality to GNOME 3 and it would be a more feasible option.

See 22

1723: 1. Be able to tweak animation speeds. The transitions are too slow, they get in the way of my work

2. More & better keyboard shortcuts. I liked using compiz or openbox on Gnome 2, because it gave powerful keyboard shortcuts, especially for manipulating and moving windows.

3. Better multi monitor support - last time I tried it, using dual monitors arranged one over the other didn't work in Gnome 3

Listen the community! Build a modular system so that other developers can add the functionality the GNOME team chooses not to implement. I like the forward looking vision, but I need a more configurable desktop to get work done.

1724: Streamline the interface so that you're not constantly clicking on the Activities (Workaroud = using Docky).

Move the indicators/systray so that by default they're always visible. I disliked when Unity made the rough transition to indicators, but at least I can see the weather indicator, dropbox, etc, at a glance.

Beautiful interface. Make the workflow as nice and it will kick ass.

1725: 1) Revert to the GNOME 2 model

2) Clean up GNOME 2 type environment like you have GNOME 3: consolidated settings, etc.

3) Give control back to the end user. Many of us like open source software environments because the freedom of choice that it allows: With GNOME 3 and Ubuntu's Unity interface, I feel that much of what originally drew me to the free and open source desktop has disappeared.

I understand that GNOME 3 is trying to reach a broader audience, which I very much endorse... but I don't think the route is very effective. Think about it this way: Most of the audience that is trying to be reached is used to using Windows and Mac OSX. If you provide a drastically different environment from either or both of those GUI's, the transition is more difficult. Some level of familiarity must remain.

1726: The desktop analogy in GNOME 3.x needs work. I find myself constantly frustrated by the zooming out to display running applications when I move my mouse to the upper left corner by mistake. Even when I do it on purpose, sometimes it and the Activities bar are extremely sluggish to appear [on Fedora 15, AMD 1090T CPU, 16 GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 4870 video card]. The snap-resizing needs to work consistently and in some logical way with multiple monitors: I have a dual display set up, and can get a window to resize to be half a display width the left side of the left monitor and the right side of the right monitor, sometimes I can get it to work for the right side of the left monitor, but never for the left side of the right monitor.

1727: 1 - Real work with KDE. I still don't understand why it's always KDE which is doing all the effort for better interoperability and trying to have a native look for the applications in each desktop non only for KDE but also for Gnome.
2 - Adding options. The path of removing options are just crazy. Ok it's less scarry for some people but most of the Gnome/Linux user does now what a computer is and like to configure it as they want not as someone is thinking is good for them
3 - Adding configuration tools. The gnome-tweak-tool is a first step but if nothing is done to improve it and allow people to change their desktop they will go somewhere else.

Listen to you user and stop taking harsh decision without any consultation with the community.

1728: Both for GNOME 3:
- Widgets (window borders, buttons etc) would use less real estate.
- The fallback shell will be treated as a first-class citizen.

1729: 1. Prettier - I know there are themes and all that, but I just wish the base interface was more minimalist and not in an Xfce way. Think Metro UI. That business is intuitive.

2. Tight, tight integration with web services with the GNOME environment. Baked-in, not apps.

3. More customization options in GNOME 3.

It's pretty baller, and has come a long way since I started dicking around with it in grade 10. I have migrated back to Windows 7 about a year ago however. It was probably more of a distro issue (Linux Mint started losing support for my lappy's wireless chip with version 9) than any issue with GNOME. I want to come back to Linux someday, but for now Windows handles my media library better, and integrates with my home network (media server, htpc, laptop, smartphones) better. Sucks, but I just don't have the time to invest to make it all sync up and run well on its own. Also, some Windows programs are just plum better than their OSS counterparts, Microsoft Office for instance. I can never get that running well-enough with WINE.

1730: 1. Stop dumbing down my desktop to the level of a smartphone or tablet.

2. Downsize the Fisher-Price icons and upsize text actually telling you what you're about to launch.

3. Stop assuming users are idiots who need protection from exposure to more than the application features some GNOME dev decides are 'appropriate'.

Examine whether your direction of focus makes any sense. Are you sure that hobbling a DE so it will work on phones and tablets, and then crippling desktop systems so they will have the same 'user experience' across the very different strengths and practical applied usage of each platform, is a sane approach?

1731: Continue development of the 2.X series.
Add additional configuration options to the user interface.
Bring back cntrl-alt backspace

I run my architectural office using fedora, Centos and Ubuntu. We use two screens on all our workstation, and have a lot of applications open at one time. I often run multiple terminals. The Gnome 3 series is unusable for what we do. Please let me repeat: Unusable.

We are actively researching an alternative going forward. XFCE looks OK, although I prefer Gnome 2.X. Unity is a No.

My suggestion is to get back to maintaining Gnome 2.x. It is a very reasonable desktop interface. Alternativly, transform Gnome 3.x so it works like 2.X.

Thanks. Long time user.

1732: with gnome3 I've been able to tweak/add/remove/enhance as I need to, even though it seems incomplete after a clean install (missing shutdown/power off options, smooth fonts, etc)

gnome3 is awesome (fedora 15), can't wait to see what comes next

1733: 1) it needs to be easier to have custom keybindings
2) can't configure default applications over empathy/terminal etc
3) can't configure screensaver/power settings

I love the UI/experience and direction of GNOME, but there is still room for more configuration.

1734: Bring back the configurability of GNOME 2.x, make it work better in a VirtualBox VM (without fallback)

1735: stop caring about mythical "new users" who've no computer experience. Care about users who actually use your software. Or used to, anyway.

Hiding configuration settings is fine, but make them available to people who want to adjust them. I want to theme more than just the wallpaper, and power settings are more complex than exposed by the default application.

Make the dozens of support daemons more visible for killing. I don't want printing, accessibility, and on and on. Those just eat battery and memory as far as I'm concerned.

I've left Gnome completely now. I tried Unity, it was terrible. I tried GNOME shell, it was terrible. I wasn't able to ctreate workspaces, launch terminals, or do any of the other things that I need to do to do my job. If the desktop can't support me in doing my job, I can't use it. I've now switched to Xfce4 (after trying LXDE, E17 and OpenBox). It provides me with workspaces, an basic support infrastructure for doing the things I need to do. Less cpu intensive that gnome too, so I can get better battery life in the bargain.

1736: More original useful stuff for users - instead of copying windows so blindly.
It's still major pain to share files with other users on the SAME network.
See the new features in OSX Lion, for example. Tons of useful stuff (autosave and versions in particular). Why didn't gnome do this first???

You should listen to your users more.

1737: I love the way Gnome 2 was, it didn't need to be changed at all. Maybe an included "rainmeter" style reading, like on Windows.

Thanks for all your work!

1738: 1. Dump "obligatory" panels (applies to gnome3 mostly) / allow customization of panels. (I want to be able to choose which parts to use, and hacking away the panels works but doesn't result in a smooth desktop experience.)

2. Add more desktop-icon placement options (e.g. a [customizable?] grid to place icons in etc.)

3. Improve nautilus (see nautilus-elementary or marlin)

Seriously, I tried to give gnome3 a chance, but failed. This is due to several reasons:
a) graphic card drivers: nouveau doesn't support fan control for my card, so I usually run nvidia's binary ones (which is not gnome's fault ;) ). However, when using nouveau in order to test gnome3 I was astonished as to:
b) how unfamiliar and alien the interface felt. There was a lot of things which irked me, though I cannot exactly remember which. A lot of little things...
c) how little the user is allowed to customize (easily): I then dumped the shell and went for the fallback desktop, which was quite an annoyance. I got rid of the panels using gconf and dconf, but that resulted in strange system behaviour.

After that I changed to an xfce-session with nautilus as file manager and compiz as window manager. Which is a wonderful combination.
However: this may all sound rather negative and rude but what I want to say is that one should let the user (or even "the users" in some kind of democratic context) choose what he wants (where gnome should head to). There really should be options to regulate the window-frame-size, the window-controls etc. etc.

1739: Forgetting Gnome 3 ever existed.

1740: If focus is set to follow mouse then new applications that open up should only get focus if the cursor is actually in the new window.
Virtual desktops in a grid not just in a column.

1741: keep simple desktop
keep closed "x" button on right (not on left as in new Ubuntu)
use small icons when icons are necessary

I'm using gnome 2-x in Ubuntu 10.10, it works - why change?
The location of the shutdown - reboot - pause boxes should come up into the center of the desktop, when they are invoked.

I've installed k3b as my iso burning program - it allows me to understand what's going on much more than does brasero or other gnome-resident burning apps.

1742: More customization options.

Don't think users are too dumb to choose their font in the appearance settings.

1743: Continue development of the GNOME 2.x series. I don't like GNOME 3.x or Unity. Both are a big step backward, productivity wise. Once Ubuntu 10.04 LTS goes away, I hope I'll still be able to use something similar to GNOME 2.x, but right now the future doesn't look good.

Continue development of GNOME 2.x. It works! Why reinvent something simply to reinvent it?

1744: In gnome 3:
1. In the area that a users pins icons to the dash, when clicking on the icon a second time it refocuses the window. This would be better if it opened a new window. Since there is no standard shortcut to open a new window, it becomes frustrating to get a new browser or terminal window. There are plenty of ways to focus windows in Gnome 3. I'd like to see this behavior be user configurable.

2. It seems that many of the 'knobs' that allow users to customize behavior, such as adding minimize buttons back and window rollup are hidden and must be accessed via gconf-editor. Having these available in an advanced options in the gnome control panel would be helpful.

3. There is no way to customize what icons show up in the application selector. If there could be multiple launchers where users can choose what they want to see when going to that main screen. I have about 15 applications I use regularly, but there are over 100 on my desktop, it is frustrating to have all of these icons load. I know that you can hit the logo key and search for the application name but this is a gets slow as the number of applications increase. So having a custom launcher that will only load the applications that are in heavy use would be useful.

1745: 1. More crash resistant
2. More intuitive
3. Better able to recover from errors/crashes

1746: Better access to focus policy and window management settings

1747: FULLY support both the "traditional" 2.x and the 3.x and let the user choose which one to use.

1748: 1. Bring back GNOME2's UI. I liked this. It worked. Gnome 3 is horrible. If I wanted a UI like that, I would have bought a Mac, windows machine, etc.
2. Fix Metacity. I switched to IceWM on top of Gnome because Metacity would gobble up 100% CPU after a few weeks logged in.

GNOME 2's UI wasn't broken from a "working with it" perspective. The standard menus and layout weren't an issue. Once Gnome 3 hit, and Ubuntu switched to it, I dropped it and am now running IceWM on top of XFce (because xfwm4's windowshading is broken).

It seems like, in later years, I have to expend more and more time customizing my desktop in order to restore functionality I had 5+ years ago. I want to set up my desktop ONCE, EXACTLY THE WAY I WANT and then NOT CHANGE IT.

1749: More config options

Applets for gnome3

A way for arranging my desktops in a grid instead of vertical

Stop dumbing it down in an absolute way!

Make the "dumb mode" the default, but keep the extra settings in an "advanced options" panel.

1750: Kill the stupid tablet-concept UI, or at least delegate it to a special tablet verison of Gnome, not the mainstream release. Both Gnome 3 and Unity are a giant step backwards in good UI design, usability and effective workflow compared to Gnome 2.x.

Get rid of the Activities thing and go back to proper drop-down menus. They just work better and are way more efficient. Mostly its a LOT easier and takes significantly less activity to find and launch apps.

Don't share toolbars at the top of the main window. Bring back toolbars on each app.

Stop following the stupid 'me-too' trend of trying to make a UI that works like a tablet, even on the desktop. For a desktop computer its WAAAY less efficient and usable than the Gnome-2 style approach.

If you want to make a Gnome-for-tablets then fine, but keep supporting the original Gnome look for most of us that don;t have/want a pad, and make keep the Gnome3 look separate for the very few people that actually have a Linux tablet or who prefer it.

1751: 1) A more stable. less buggy and faster filemanager than Nautilus
2) More configuration options (not less)
3) Removal of all mono dependencies (too much libs for too little apps)

1752: Just stick with what works and stop trying to reinvent the desktop.

1753: Not sure.

Don't pull a Canonical. Unity is a horrible idea for desktops. It's change for the sake of change; they have an idea about how they want their OS/DE to be used, but no actual idea about what makes a DE usable or aesthetically appealing.

1754: Make it more configurable. That's why I use KDE.

1755: I like my interface to be simple, consistent, and sensible. GNOME does that. Unity, for example, does not.

1756: 1. Fix old bugs instead of inventing new ones
2. Designate gnome 3 to the trash heap. I'm running gnome 2 on my desktop, but XFCE will be the next upgrade. I'm already running XFCE on my laptop
3. Make some way in gnome to report user feedback to make it easier for the gnome team to get feedback

Listen to your users

1757: -drop Gnome 3 and focus on improving Gnome 2 instead

1758: Quit removing features.
Quit changing the UI in significant ways.
Add more graphical configuration options.

I hate Gnome 3. If Gnome 3 is my only Gnome option, then I will choose another desktop environment.

1759: GNOME3 should keep the .gnomerc or alteast still use the WINDOW_MANAGER environmental. This whole mess of screwing with /usr/share/applications, /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions, AND /usr/share/xsessions is really 10 steps backwards. How about we keep it simple :)

1760: 1) Re-add options that were removed for no reason: proxy ignore list, screensaver settings etc

2) Unify GNOME and Ubuntu roadmaps

3) Add more features to the GNOME applications such as Empathy

Do usability research with people using computers under different conditions.

1761: More stability in Nautilus with SMB shares

GNOME 3/Unity approach is a disaster.

1762: 1. make gnome-shell behave like the old panel
2. make mutter behave like metacity on window switching
3. configurability, configurability, configurability...

1763: Remove the launcher.
Bring back the traditional menus at the top.
Bring back the window-esque task bar.

I absolutely dislike gnome 3, and I have no intention to use it. The changes I mentioned in question 22 sums up the reasons.

1764: In GNOME 2.x, the menu bar has always made me sick, especially when trying to know what was the command launched by a given item...

1765: Nothing (2.x)

Please support gnome 2.x further and / or more 2.x-like functionality in 3.x (specifically fall-back mode)

1766: I don't like that now I need to press Alt to power off my computer.

1767: Continue to support Gnome 2. Make gradual improvements, not wholesale changes that require complete relearning of the gui. Once I learn a gui, why should I have to relearn another one? So far, I haven't seen many improvements in gui paradigm that are worth throwing away my gui knowledge base.

1768: Dragging/dropping between file browser windows isn't as easy as in Windows. Navigating file trees isn't as easy as in Windows.

1769: More user configurability, continuation of the 2.x line, bug fixes.

1770: Nothing atm, 3.2 rocks.

Keep doing what you're doing.

1771: 1. Use less screen real estate. This is the main reason I prefer Unity. Otherwise, I find Unity and Gnome Shell a draw in terms of usability and features.
2. Better icons. Adwaita is a beautiful theme, but it deserves better icons.
3. Decouple certain features (such as the calendar in the top panel) from Evolution. I'd like to see these thing managed by the system, where different apps could access them without Evolution being installed.

Keep up the good work.

1772: 1. Return to 2.x design strategy
2. Return to 2.x design strategy
3. Return to 2.x design strategy

Gnome 3.x (and Unity, for that matter) is an abomination. Porting the 2.x GNOME panel to 3.x and making a 2.x-like configuration possible would probably placate many users.

1773: Alt, Ctrl key for normal tasks as power down or open new window.

In GNOME 3, even if I have been using it for months, I can't get used to the new way of window selection. Alt+Tab feels uncomfortable specially with multiple windows of the same app in different virtual desktops.

Multiple Monitors needs some polishing.

1774: 1. I would like to have an expo like function (maybe a plug-in does this?) to show all workspaces in a larger format.
2. Work on getting it to work with proprietary ati cards.
3. Include good documentation as a file or link that is very obvious.

I don't really like the current little one minute video tutorials. I would love it if you had some more in depth ones. I could envision one that goes in depth, for example, into using multiple workspaces...I am only just figuring out on my own how to really take advantage of that. Really liking gnome 3 shell so far...really fits how I do things.

1775: Kill all the designers.

Kudos, guys!

1776: Stop making it hard to customize configurations and behaviors for experienced users!
Stop taking away configuration settings!
Better support for multi-display configurations.

1777: gnome shell, gnome-panel, compositing

Really stuck on gnome 3, so hard to play around, only capable on ugly thing, and so worse compare to old gnone 2. I'm back to gnome 2 now, and sometimes KDE 4.7 which is better to handle what I want.

1778: - more customization / control-center options
- support shell themes

1779: Reduce the amount of prescription in gnome shell, it has to be at least somewhat customisable.

The 'we know what's good for you' attitude coming out of the design of gnome shell is very disappointing to me. I loved gnome 2 and while I'm not adverse to change, major change with no options to adjust the new system to how you want to work is very arrogant. A small example, having the activities button on the left and the workspaces on the right leads to horrible amounts of mouse movement, especially on touchpads. The rigidity of gnome shell has been enough to see me move kde for the first time in 8 years, despite giving GS a chance for a couple of months.

1780: Reduce the memory footprint. Make it faster. Simplify configuration.

GNOME is a bloated hog. I want a light, fast, window manager with simple, straightforward configuration files. As Steve Jobs said: "Focus is being able to say no." Gnome says 'yes' to too much bloat. Say 'no' much, much, much more often and go for something lightweight and streamlined. Until then, don't expect me to use it.

1781: Use of the "windows" key out of the box.
Control over the default size of windows dragged to an edge.
The ability to define "edges" for multiple monitor use.

1782: Improve mouseless support thrice.

1783: Better 3D/compositing support for both open source proprietary ATI drivers (eliminate artifacts). Better support for Samba configuration. More advanced configuration UIs--gconf/dconf settings, printers, etc. integrated with the system settings dialog.

I'm excited about Wayland ... looking forward to a fully functional and accelerated graphics stack in Linux including support for HTML5 video decoding, etc. This perhaps applies for Linux as a whole, but there should be an easy and straightforward way to purchase and install support for proprietary codecs for users with no philosophical objections to them (MP3, H.264, what have you).

1784: Gnome is a great UI but is too heavy for modest computers.

Thanks for Gnome, I learn Linux/Unix using it, but now I feel more comfortable with MacOSX or XFCE.

1785: Reintroduce the classic style desktop.

GNOME should rebuild its classical 2.x environment on top of the 3.x libraries.

1786: - Faster filemanager (too slow to spawn)
- Better hardware integration
- More configurability without obscure gconf variables

1787: More configurability. Allow GNOME 3 to be like GNOME 2 (including all panel-related features).

Support GNOME 2.

1788: 1) Better integration of the old and new notification schemes
2) Consider installing gnome-tweak-tool by default
3) Provide a clear explanation to the user of what Zeitgeist does, and a simple on/off switch for it.

I know you're really psyched about Zeitgeist integration, but please, don't make it a required part for the GNOME desktop. You seem to consider anyone who voices concerns about that as a paranoid loon, but you should understand that there are countless reasons for people to not have their computer to give a clear, easily accessible timeline on when they did what to which file. Many of them legitimate. I know you have the best of intentions with this, but consider leaving it as optional.

1789: GNOME 3 is an abomination and I will continue to use GNOME 2.x for as long a I can. When this becomes no longer possible I will switch to KDE 4.x.

Get rid of the awful GNOME 3 interface.

1790: Increase user control / customization. KDE is ahead here, so is XFCE.

All configuration files produced by GNOME should be text, either traditional plain text config or XML. Among other things it makes it easy to make a diff of the user modifications and the factory defaults. No blobs please, that's just wrong.

Easy to use should mean easy to get work done.

1791: Windows 7 style snapping windows

Lightweight desktop widgets

1792: 1. Consistency
2. Accessibility
3. Configurability

The older I get, the worse my eyesight is becoming. I can't live without Mac OS X's screen magnification. Wish Gnome had something similar (or about as user friendly). Loupes are fine and all, but screen magnification on Linux has always seemed to be so kludgy and haphazard.

1793: Dump the idea of going to something that does not work. I.E. a netbook only interface which Gnome 3 seems to be rocking.
Add the ability to change KDE apps look and feel with Gnome's look and feel.

Dump gnome3 and move back to the gnome 2.x branch. An interface can always get better, but to completely change it is unnecessary.

1794: 1) Give me the old panel back
2) Offer better experience for minimalist users

1795: 1. I do not like the new desktop in gnome 3.
2. There is supposed to be a standard for menus and icons for desktops, but I find that when I install apps in wine I do not get menu items nor desktop icons. I've had this for several versions now, and I've googled it over and over, but not found a solution.
3. Why did we drop pidgin?

I really like all of the integration of the last few years, particularly networking, wifi, bluetooth, etc. Things work seamlessly out of the box, between apps, like they should.

Maybe it would be possible to do to pulse audio, jack, ladspa, etc. what was done with network manager. I.e. a smart program that handles all those configurations and makes things "just work".

1796: more flexibility with bars and windows options ... gimme TWEAKS !!!

GNOME looks like a dead tree trunk ... still does teh job, but it's DULL

advertise more
keep the public active
push information about future releases and project decisions OUT and wait for feedback ...
make testing easy with automated scripts or by VM images distributions or w/e ...

1797: nothing really, i'm quite satisfied with gnome 2x

keep it simple, don't bring revolutionary changes, keep up the good work :)
I am quite satisfied with gnome 2x. I haven't tried gnome 3 yet but I'm not enthusiastic with what I'm reading about it.

1798: GNOME 3.0 definitely needs more settings applets. GNOME 3.0 shipping with Fedora 15 is practically useless to me, so I'm using KDE on that platform. In GNOME 3.0 on Fedora 15, there's no way to configure the theme, window manager, and the font DPI settings, for instance. The Fedora 15 project recommends using a GNOME 2.x applet for extended configuration, but that of course doesn't work properly.

Yes: Please don't release versions that are worse than previous versions. I would prefer if you wait until you have at least the same functionality than in the previous version.

1799: Ditch GNOME 3, build Compiz into gnome 2

1800: -Are you really using Linux?! Requiring 3D accel. and forcing the use of "Suspend", I can't think of anything more unstable in Linux.
-Ditch Gnome-shell 3
-Stop changing everything, my mom can't keep up.

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