Another Look At The Performance Impact To IBM's POWER9 L1d Flushing Change

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 4 December 2020 at 10:00 AM EST. Page 3 of 4. 5 Comments.
Talos II POWER9 L1d Flushing Mitigation
Talos II POWER9 L1d Flushing Mitigation
Talos II POWER9 L1d Flushing Mitigation
Talos II POWER9 L1d Flushing Mitigation
Talos II POWER9 L1d Flushing Mitigation

This change did have a significant impact on the MariaDB and PostgreSQL database server performance. This was a much larger impact than what was seen on the smaller 4-core POWER9 system while also having different storage, etc.

Talos II POWER9 L1d Flushing Mitigation
Talos II POWER9 L1d Flushing Mitigation

Similarly, Redis was also seeing lower performance on the mitigated kernel.

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