Benchmarking Amazon EC2's New C6a Instances Powered By 3rd Gen EPYC

Written by Michael Larabel in Processors on 17 February 2022 at 09:28 AM EST. Page 2 of 5. 1 Comment.
Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge

The HCPG benchmark saw a 12% boost in performance generationally from the compute-optimized 2nd Gen EPYC to 3rd Gen EPYC instance.

Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge

In the Oregon region used for testing, the C6a instance is slightly cheaper than C5a at $1.224 USD per hour for the new EPYC 7R13-based instance compared to $1.232 with the prior-generation instance.

Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge
Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge

NAMD also enjoyed significant generational improvements with C6a and providing even better value over C5a.

Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge
Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge

OpenFOAM as another popular HPC workload for stressing these compute-optimized instances also enjoyed great uplift from C5a to C6a as measured on the 8xlarge size.

Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge
Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge
Amazon EC2 c6a.8xlarge

Intel's OSPray ray-tracing engine also enjoyed significant uplift on C6a compared to the prior generation instance.

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