Vantec LapCool 3

Written by David Lin in Peripherals on 2 November 2005 at 01:00 PM EST. Page 3 of 3. Add A Comment.


As mentioned in our examination section, testing of the Vantec LapCool 3 had occurred on a 14" IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T42. For stressing the laptop while the LapCool was both turned on and then again off, we tortured the Pentium M CPU with CPUBurn-In v1.00 for 20 minutes to obtain the load temperatures, and then allowed the system to idle for the same amount of time before recording our idle values. Below are the specifications of the laptop used in testing as well as our results with and without the Vantec LapCool 3.

Hardware Components
Processor: Intel Pentium M 735 (Dothan) (1.7GHz)
Motherboard: IBM T42
Memory: 1024MB DDR333 RAM
Hard Drives: 40GB HDD
Software Components
Operating System: OpenSuSE 10 Alpha


As you can see from the results, the LapCool 3 did help bring down the CPU temperatures marginally. Although we were unable to measure the temperatures of all system components, we could feel that there was a big difference in the overall temperature at the bottom of the unit, especially where the extra SODIMM module was located. Normally this location gets very hot, but with the help of the LapCool 3, it was greatly decreased during intensive use. Since this unit can be found at retailers for around $20, we would say that this is a very good investment for any mobile user looking to assist in cooling their laptop. Not only will the Vantec LapCool 3 help keep your system cooler, but it also reduces the chances of heat-related failures such as motherboards burning out, RAM failing, hard drives crashing, etc... When testing this unit, we here at Phoronix had no problem recommending this unit to those with flaming hot laptops that need additional after-market cooling.

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