Raspberry Pi News Archives

141 Raspberry Pi open-source and Linux related news articles on Phoronix since 2012.

SUSE Working On Upstream Linux Kernel Support For Booting The Raspberry Pi 5
SUSE Working On Upstream Linux Kernel Support For Booting The Raspberry Pi 5

While the Raspberry Pi 5 debuted last September already, sadly the mainline Linux kernel still lacks support for booting this popular single board computer... The support on Raspberry Pi OS and other downstream distributions/kernels is good, but the mainline kernel support for the Raspberry Pi SBCs remains a sore spot for this popular ARM single board computer. SUSE engineers have been working on implementing minimal boot support for the Raspberry Pi 5 that will hopefully make it to the mainline kernel.

13 May 2024 - Minimal Boot Support - 11 Comments
Raspberry Pi V3D Kernel Graphics Driver Prepares For Big & Super Pages To Boost Speed
Raspberry Pi V3D Kernel Graphics Driver Prepares For Big & Super Pages To Boost Speed

Last month I wrote about the V3D kernel graphics driver preparing for 1MB "super pages" support to help boost the performance for this open-source Broadcom DRM driver most notably used by the latest Raspberry Pi single board computers. The latest iteration of these patches have now been posted for supporting both super pages and big pages.

6 April 2024 - Big + Super Pages - 2 Comments
Raspberry Pi V3D Graphics Driver Preps For Super Pages To Boost Performance
Raspberry Pi V3D Graphics Driver Preps For Super Pages To Boost Performance

Igalia continues maintaining the Broadcom V3D open-source graphics driver code that is used by the Raspberry Pi single board computers. With a new patch series posted today for the V3D DRM driver, support for Super Pages is enabled to help with enhancing the graphics performance. In many benchmarks having Super Pages can enhance the performance by a few percent but in some extreme cases can be 19~42% faster.

11 March 2024 - Super Pages - 7 Comments
Raspberry Pi 5 Single Board Computers Begin Shipping
Raspberry Pi 5 Single Board Computers Begin Shipping

After the Raspberry Pi 5 was excitingly announced a few weeks ago, Eben Upton shared today that ramping up the production has gone better than initially anticipated and that these AArch64 single board computers are beginning to ship to customers.

23 October 2023 - Raspberry Pi 5 - 24 Comments
Igalia Has Been Doing A Great Job On The Raspberry Pi Graphics Drivers
Igalia Has Been Doing A Great Job On The Raspberry Pi Graphics Drivers

In addition to Igalia working with Valve on AMD color management / HDR, Igalia engineers have also been working on the open-source Raspberry Pi kernel and Mesa drivers for the Raspberry Pi Foundation. This work includes the timely enablement of the new Raspberry Pi 5 hardware support.

19 October 2023 - Raspberry Pi - 9 Comments
Raspberry Pi's V3D Kernel Driver Prepares For "CPU Jobs" To Assist Vulkan
Raspberry Pi's V3D Kernel Driver Prepares For "CPU Jobs" To Assist Vulkan

Igalia developers are working on extending the Broadcom V3D DRM kernel graphics driver, which is most notably used by the latest Raspberry Pi devices, to support the notion of "CPU jobs" in kernel space to assist in their Vulkan support. These CPU jobs are for assisting the support where their Broadcom GPU driver isn't capable of some Vulkan commands and thus needs to be punted off and handled by the processor.

6 September 2023 - V3D CPU Jobs - 21 Comments
Running The Open-Source Upstream V3D Driver On The Raspberry Pi 4 & Newer
Running The Open-Source Upstream V3D Driver On The Raspberry Pi 4 & Newer

As of this summer the upstream, open-source Broadcom V3D direct rendering manager kernel driver has enabled support for the Raspberry Pi 4 (and newer). With the latest mainline Linux kernel builds this means the ability to enjoy accelerated graphics on the Raspberry Pi hardware paired with the latest Mesa OpenGL/Vulkan driver code without worrying about out-of-tree patches.

13 November 2022 - V3D Upstream Driver Use - 15 Comments
Linux 6.2 To Put The Raspberry Pi In Good Shape For 4K @ 60Hz Displays
Linux 6.2 To Put The Raspberry Pi In Good Shape For 4K @ 60Hz Displays

Since last year have been patches enabling the Raspberry Pi to output at 4K with a 60Hz refresh rate. But since Linux 5.18 at least some of the 4K handling had regressed for this budget Arm single board computer. With the Linux 6.2 cycle in December there are several 4K related improvements to the Raspberry Pi open-source display driver for addressing that prior regression as well as making the 4K monitor handling more robust.

3 November 2022 - Raspberry Pi With 4K Monitor - Add A Comment
Fedora 37 To Offer Official Support On Raspberry Pi 4 Devices
Fedora 37 To Offer Official Support On Raspberry Pi 4 Devices

A month ago there was the Fedora 37 change proposal for Fedora to officially support the Raspberry Pi 4, including its accelerated Broadcom graphics and to better advertise Fedora for the Raspberry Pi. The Fedora Engineering and Steering Committee (FESCo) has now signed off on this "official" support for the Raspberry Pi 4.

2 August 2022 - Fedora + Raspberry Pi - 14 Comments
Fedora May Finally Provide Official Support For The Raspberry Pi 4
Fedora May Finally Provide Official Support For The Raspberry Pi 4

For as popular as the Raspberry Pi 4 has been since its 2019 launch, Fedora hasn't officially supported this Arm single board computer with its Linux distribution. But now thanks to the upstream, open-source graphics acceleration finally coming together for the Raspberry Pi 4, with Fedora 37 they may end up finally providing "official" support for this popular, low-cost developer board.

6 July 2022 - Raspberry Pi 4 + Fedora 37 - 39 Comments
Improved Vulkan Profiling Support For Raspberry Pi's V3DV Driver
Improved Vulkan Profiling Support For Raspberry Pi's V3DV Driver

Merged today into Mesa 22.2 for Raspberry Pi's "V3DV" Vulkan driver is VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties support with this extension being used by the likes of RenderDoc for providing more insightful information when profiling Vulkan games and applications.

9 May 2022 - VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties - Add A Comment
Raspberry Pi's Raspbian OS Finally Spins 64-bit Version
Raspberry Pi's Raspbian OS Finally Spins 64-bit Version

While the Raspberry Pi 3 and newer have featured 64-bit Cortex CPU cores and even the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 is 64-bit-capable, Raspbian OS as the official Raspberry Pi operating system has remained 32-bit. Finally in 2022 they now have an official 64-bit build.

2 February 2022 - Raspbian OS 64-bit - 53 Comments
Linux 5.14 Mainline Should Work With The Raspberry Pi 400

Launched last November was the Raspberry Pi 400 as a Raspberry Pi Keyboard Computer with effectively a Raspberry Pi 4 SBC embedded within the keyboard and attached to a large aluminum block for cooling. It's a great little device and beginning with Linux 5.14 looks like it should be playing fine with the mainline kernel.

14 June 2021 - Raspberry Pi 400 + Linux 5.14 - 9 Comments
Raspberry Pi Announces RP2040 Chips For $1
Raspberry Pi Announces RP2040 Chips For $1

Earlier this year the Raspberry Pi Foundation announced the $4 Raspberry Pi Pico with RP2040 microcontroller for doing embedded development. Now that RP2040 chip is being sold for just $1 USD via their resellers for those wanting to build their own electronics with this Raspberry Pi silicon.

1 June 2021 - Raspberry Pi RP2040 - 10 Comments
Raspberry Pi PoE+ HAT Announced With Greater Power Capability For $20
Raspberry Pi PoE+ HAT Announced With Greater Power Capability For $20

Raspberry Pi's Power over Ethernet HAT is beginning to face production challenges caused by the supply chain crisis so now the Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced the PoE+ HAT that is not only easier to produce but also can provide more power in conjunction with supported switches.

24 May 2021 - Raspberry Pi PoE+ HAT - 12 Comments
Linux 5.13 To Support HDMI CEC With The Raspberry Pi 4

While the 5.12 merge window hasn't even been closed for a full week yet, there is already the first DRM-Misc-Next pull request heading into DRM-Next with the first batch of feature material aiming for the Linux 5.13 kernel cycle.

4 March 2021 - DRM-Misc-Next - 5 Comments

141 Raspberry Pi news articles published on Phoronix.