RISC-V News Archives

119 RISC-V open-source and Linux related news articles on Phoronix since 2016.

Linux Patches Posted For Enabling A 22 x 35 mm RISC-V / ARM Board
Linux Patches Posted For Enabling A 22 x 35 mm RISC-V / ARM Board

Linux kernel patches were posted today for enabling Linux to boot on the LicheeRV Nano, a mini single board computer that comes in at a mere 22.86 x 35.56 mm. As interesting as the size with this SBC is the Sophgo SG2002 SoC that features a mix of RISC-V and ARM cores.

27 May 2024 - LicheeRV Nano - 9 Comments
Linux 6.10 On RISC-V Allows Configurable Boot Image Compression
Linux 6.10 On RISC-V Allows Configurable Boot Image Compression

A few days ago with the main RISC-V architecture pull for Linux 6.10 was enabling Rust support within the kernel for this ISA as well as other additions. A secondary set of RISC-V changes have been merged as well ahead of the Linux 6.10 merge window closing this weekend.

25 May 2024 - RISC-V Kernel Image Compression - 1 Comment
RISC-V Adding Kernel-Mode FPU For Linux 6.10 To Enable Recent AMD Display Support
RISC-V Adding Kernel-Mode FPU For Linux 6.10 To Enable Recent AMD Display Support

With the upcoming Linux 6.10 kernel cycle, the RISC-V architecture code is seeing kernel-mode FPU. This kernel floating point support is needed for the AMDGPU kernel graphics driver and particular its DCN display code. In turn this should allow recent AMD Radeon graphics cards to work on RISC-V with display support using the company's open-source driver stack.

8 April 2024 - AMDGPU DCN Support - 8 Comments
Linux RISC-V Preparing For Real-Time Kernel Support (PREEMPT_RT)
Linux RISC-V Preparing For Real-Time Kernel Support (PREEMPT_RT)

As we approach the end of 2023, sadly, the real-time kernel "PREEMPT_RT" support still hasn't been mainlined... The main blocker pending is still the ongoing work around non-blocking consoles / threaded console handling to then allow the few dozen remaining out-of-tree RT kernel patches to be merged. The good news is that when the PREEMPT_RT support is ready for mainline, it looks like the RISC-V architecture support will also be real-time friendly too.

24 October 2023 - RISC-V Linux Kernel + RT Support - 17 Comments
RISC-V KASLR Support For Linux Revised Again
RISC-V KASLR Support For Linux Revised Again

While the upstream Linux kernel support for RISC-V continues to improve with new ISA features, support for more RISC-V SoCs, and other enhancements, in some areas the open-source RISC-V code continues to play catch-up with the other mature architectures supported by the Linux kernel. One of the areas still pending is enabling KASLR support for RISC-V on Linux to enhance system security.

12 June 2023 - Kernel Address Space Layout Randomized - Add A Comment
GCC 13 Adds RISC-V T-Head Vendor Extension Collection
GCC 13 Adds RISC-V T-Head Vendor Extension Collection

Being merged today into the GCC 13 compiler is the set of T-Head vendor extensions to the RISC-V ISA. This set of vendor extensions is designed to augment the RISC-V ISA and provide faster and more energy efficient capabilities.

15 March 2023 - GCC 13 + XThead - 7 Comments
LibreOffice Enables RISC-V 64-bit Support
LibreOffice Enables RISC-V 64-bit Support

If the royalty free open-source processor ISA RISC-V is to enjoy success on the Linux desktop, obviously it needs an office suite... LibreOffice as the open-source office suite alternative to Microsoft Office is now seeing proper RISC-V 64-bit support.

11 November 2022 - LibreOffice + RISC-V - 18 Comments
RISC-V Lands New Extensions In Linux 6.0
RISC-V Lands New Extensions In Linux 6.0

Last week was the main set of RISC-V updates for Linux 6.0 that included improving Svpbmt support, a more robust default kernel configuration, and other improvements. A secondary set of RISC-V CPU architecture updates has now been merged for Linux 6.0.

13 August 2022 - Linux 6.0 RISC-V - 3 Comments
The First RISC-V Laptop Announced With Quad-Core CPU, 16GB RAM, Linux Support
The First RISC-V Laptop Announced With Quad-Core CPU, 16GB RAM, Linux Support

RISC-V International has relayed word to us that in China the DeepComputing and Xcalibyte organizations have announced pre-orders on the first RISC-V laptop intended for developers. The "ROMA" development platform features a quad-core RISC-V processor, up to 16GB of RAM, up to 256GB of storage, and should work with most RISC-V Linux distributions.

1 July 2022 - DeepComputing + Xcalibyte - 84 Comments
Linux 5.19 Adding Support For The PolarBerry RISC-V FPGA Board
Linux 5.19 Adding Support For The PolarBerry RISC-V FPGA Board

A few days ago the RISC-V pull request landed in Linux 5.19 with support for RISC-V 32-bit (RV32) binaries on RV64, enabling the new Svpbmt extension, and other improvements. On Friday a secondary set of RISC-V changes were sent in for Linux 5.19 that includes adding the DeviceTree files for another new RISC-V board.

3 June 2022 - RISC-V PolarBerry - 8 Comments
MIPS Claims "Best-In-Class Performance" With New RISC-V eVocore CPUs
MIPS Claims "Best-In-Class Performance" With New RISC-V eVocore CPUs

MIPS Tech is no longer working on their MIPS CPU instruction set architecture but has been taking on RISC-V based designs. Today the company made the bold announcement for their new eVocore P8700 and I8500 multiprocessor IP cores that they offer "Best-In-Class Performance and Scalability."

10 May 2022 - MIPS RISC-V - 36 Comments
RISC-V CPU Idle Support, Other RISC-V Improvements Merged Into Linux 5.18

Last week the main RISC-V pull for Linux 5.18 brought Sv57 five level page table support, improved PolarFire SoC support, an optimized MEMMOVE code, support for Restartable Sequences, and more. A second batch of RISC-V feature updates were sent out this week and now merged for making Linux 5.18 even better for this open processor ISA.

3 April 2022 - RISC-V CPU Idle - Add A Comment
Linux 5.18 To Bring RISC-V sv57 Support For 5-Level Page Tables
Linux 5.18 To Bring RISC-V sv57 Support For 5-Level Page Tables

It was just with Linux 5.17 that its RISC-V code adds "sv48" support for being able to handle more system memory by offering 48-bit virtual address space support. Now for Linux 5.17 there is "sv57" support prepared for 57-bit virtual address space support with five level page table handling.

25 February 2022 - RISC-V sv57 - 1 Comment
SiFive Shifting Production Focus To Next-Gen HiFive Development Board
SiFive Shifting Production Focus To Next-Gen HiFive Development Board

SiFive's HiFive Unmatched is the best, readily available RISC-V developer board at the moment with enough horsepower for modest development/porting work and continues seeing improvements with the mainline Linux kernel. But availability on HiFive Unmatched is beginning to dry up and SiFive isn't planning on any further production runs as it begins focusing on the board's successor.

21 January 2022 - HiFive Unmatched Reaching End Of Line - 58 Comments
Imagination Announces "Catapult" RISC-V CPU Family
Imagination Announces "Catapult" RISC-V CPU Family

With Imagination Technologies having sold off what was MIPS Technologies several years ago and that CPU architecture having been abandoned now, Imagination today announced "Catapult" as their new family of RISC-V processor IP.

6 December 2021 - RISC-V CPUs - 26 Comments
Open-Source FPGA-Based RISC-V GPGPU That Supports OpenCL 1.2

While there was the Libre RISC-V GPU effort aiming to provide an open-source GPU accelerator based on RISC-V, it ultimately turned into Libre-SOC with a focus now on the POWER ISA. Meanwhile Vortex is continuing to mature as an open-source, FPGA-based RISC-V GPGPU processor.

30 November 2021 - Vortex GPGPU - 16 Comments

119 RISC-V news articles published on Phoronix.